Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Clemson Online Wants to See You for Spring Training!

Old-timey Clemson Tiger baseball mascot


If you need training or professional development related to using Canvas, teaching online, understanding accessibility, or anything else related to online teaching and learning at Clemson, we have you covered! Clemson Online is offering more courses, workshops, and self-guided trainings than ever before.

Here’s some of what you can expect in Spring ’22:

Workshops and Quick Hits

  • Our schedule is jam packed with weekly workshops and Quick Hits training sessions, all offered via Zoom. You can register in Tiger Training to put it on your calendar, or just join at the Zoom link on our Events page.

For questions or information about workshops and Quick Hits, email James at:

COFFEE Training Courses – now with self-paced options

  • The interactive, asynchronous COFFEE faculty training course will still run for 8 weeks in the Spring, covering everything you need to know about teaching online.
  • Our associated COFFEE tracks in Accessibility, Video/Visual, Basics 1 and 2, and First Year Teaching are now entirely self-paced Courses. Upon registering, participants will be enrolled in a course comprised of learning Modules and learning Tasks which can be completed on their own schedule.
  • New this Spring: COFFEE: House Blend! This self-paced course is designed for instructors and faculty teaching face to face who would like to learn how to integrate Canvas effectively into their courses.

Click to see the full COFFEE Schedule for Spring.

For questions about any of the COFFEE training courses, email Sharyn at:

Drop-ins are back

  • If you have a quick question or a problem in Canvas that needs solving, you can consult our learning technology specialists every Monday and Tuesday, from 2 to 4 pm, in the Drop-in Zoom meeting room.

For questions about Drop-ins, email Axel at:


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