Physics and Astronomy Blog

Self-extinguishing batteries could reduce the risk of deadly and costly battery fires

Apparao RaoClemson University and Bingan LuHunan University

“In a newly published study, we describe our design for a self-extinguishing rechargeable battery. It replaces the most commonly used electrolyte, which is highly combustible – a medium composed of a lithium salt and an organic solvent – with materials found in a commercial fire extinguisher.

An electrolyte allows lithium ions that carry an electric charge to move across a separator between the positive and negative terminals of a lithium-ion battery. By modifying affordable commercial coolants to function as battery electrolytes, we were able to produce a battery that puts out its own fire.”

Read more here: 
Self-extinguishing batteries could reduce the risk of deadly and costly battery fires | Clemson News

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