Clemson Extension Upstate District

Innovation Grant Update

Patricia Whitener4-H Natural Resources Program LeaderStatewide This past fall Greenville County 4-H agent, Patricia Whitener, received $25,000 through a competitive distribution of Extension Innovation funding to further the implementation and adoption of the 4-H Thrive model.  SC 4-H Agents from both Clemson University and South Carolina State participated in professional development training sessions held regionally […]

Area Forestry Agent Report

Jeff Fellers Area Forestry & Wildlife Agent In January, I always look forward to judging the 4-H Wildlife Food Plots that were planted by 4-H’ers in the fall of the year.  This year I visited Newberry, Laurens, and Saluda Counties to judge six different food plots.  The 4-H Wildlife Food Plot Project gives participants a […]

SC 4-H Announcement

Patricia Whitener4-H Natural Resources Program LeaderState-wide Welcome to Patricia A. Whitener who will serve as our new Extension Associate leading the 4-H Natural Resources Program Area.     Patricia is a native of Clemson, South Carolina.  She graduated from Clemson University where she obtained her undergraduate degree in Environmental and Natural Resources and earned her master’s degree […]

Laurens County 4-H Upcoming Achievement Banquet

Adam Petty Laurens County 4-H Youth Development Agent On March 23rd, the Laurens County 4-H Program will host its annual Achievement Banquet at Hollow Oak Barn in Cross Hill. Youth, parents, volunteers, and community supporters are invited to gather for a meal and celebration of the accomplishments of our 4-H’ers in the previous 4-H year. […]

Clemson Cooperative Extension Service Brewing Program for South Carolina Moves Forward

Alex ThompsonFood Systems & Safety AgentAnderson, Greenville, Oconee, Pickens, & Spartanburg Counties Work on creating the Clemson Cooperative Extension Brewing Program for South Carolina is moving forward. Recently four 7.5-gallon stainless steel fermentation vessels, a glycol system for controlling fermentation temperatures, and a motorized grain mill were moved into a laboratory space in Newman Hall […]

Upcoming Forestry Events

Jeff Fellers Area Forestry & Wildlife Agent Upcoming Events: The New Year brings new educational opportunities in the field of forestry and natural resources for our area.  In 2023, the Newberry Forestry Association and Clemson Extension will host the 18th biennial Forestry Focus Program.  Unfortunately, we had to cancel the 2021 program due to Covid.  […]

SC Cottage Food Law

Bryan Smith Area Extension Agent-Agricultural Engineer We have had quite a number of contacts in recent months asking how to sell local produce and edible goods from home.  These questions range from selling eggs to milk to any number of products.  Selling fresh produce to friends and family generally does not require a license, but […]

Forestry Agents Focus on Smaller Acreage Woodlands

Carolyn DawsonForestry AgentAnderson, Cherokee, Greenville, Oconee, Pickens, & Spartanburg Counties Last summer Janet Steele and Carolyn Dawson successfully offered two Woods in Your Backyard workshops in our area. These workshops were designed specifically for landowners with 1-10 acres to help them learn how to implement sustainable outcomes for their woodlands, wildlife, water, and recreational objectives. […]

Water Resources

Heather Nix Water Resource Agent The Water Resources Team continues to develop a variety of educational materials and programs, including these new offerings: Pond Maintenance: Dredging a Land Grant Press article outlining potential regulations and additional factors before undertaking a freshwater pond dredging project. Livestock Ponds in South Carolina a Land Grant Press article for […]

New Rural Health & Nutrition Agent

Julia NewsomeRural Health & NutritionCherokee & Union Counties Hello Everyone, My name is Julia Newsome, and I am the new Rural Health & Nutrition Agent for Union and Cherokee counties. I moved from Upstate New York to Upstate South Carolina in June 2022, and in November 2022 I became part of the Clemson Extension team. […]