Clemson Extension Upstate District

Tri-County Feeder Cattle Sale Evaluation

Brian Beer
Area Livestock Agent

Feeder calves transportation
Feeder calves transportation

Cattle producers always try to maximize the value of the calves they market. Group marketing efforts, like the Tri-County Feeder Cattle Sale, provide opportunities for farmers to improve market prices. Clemson Extension coordinated the off-farm feeder cattle sale for cattlemen in the region. Twelve area farmers sold 886 head of feeder calves (10 loads, 2 partial loads) using this alternative marketing option.  Marketing feeder calves off-farm resulted in a $0.20 per pound higher price when compared to traditional auction markets. The price increase resulted in $134 per head of additional revenue to area farmers. Marketing feeder calves using this alternative generated a total of $118,724 increase in revenue, an average of $9,834 per farm.

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