Carolyn DawsonUpstate Forestry Agent It’s that time again, folks, time to Firewise your home. In order to help prevent a wildfire from destroying your home, you must prepare ahead of time. If there is ever an active wildfire in your area, you may be asked to leave immediately and not have time to defend your […]
Haven Blackwell 4-H AgentCherokee County A new school year means new learning opportunities! This year, Cherokee County 4-H wants to enrich schools with positive agricultural learning experiences. We will offer our popular Caterpillar to Butterfly Project to all kindergarten teachers! Students make predictions and observations during this project and love seeing the physical changes […]
Heather NixUpstate Water Resource Agent New Online Course! Seasonal Pond Management If you own or manage a freshwater pond, the Seasonal Pond Management course is for you! For $15, you’ll receive on-demand access to course materials for 365 days. The course focuses on actions throughout the year that can help maintain a healthy pond. […]
Chris LeMasterLivestock & Forages AgentCherokee, Spartanburg, & Union Counties Safety data (2019) by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the agriculture sector continues to be the most dangerous in America with 573 fatalities, or an equivalent of 23.1 deaths per 100,000 workers. Even in Cherokee County, we have had two ag-related fatalities less […]
Adam Petty4-H AgentLaurens County On Saturday, January 13th the Laurens County 4-H volunteers presented the 2024 SC 4-H Showcase at the Gilliam Center for Performing Arts on the campus of Thornwell Charter School. The 4-H Showcase is a unique fundraising event that is meant to highlight the achievements of 4-H’ers across South Carolina. This is […]
Reid MillerLivestock & Forages AgentGreenwood, Laurens, & McCormick Counties While it is commonplace for producers in the upstate region of South Carolina to grow fescue as their primary forage crop, many producers utilize cool-season annuals to help get them through the winter. Cool season annuals are great for sodseeding into warm-season perennials like bermudagrass and […]
Jeff FellersArea Forestry & Natural Resource AgentChester, Laurens, Newberry, Union, & York One thing I love about working for Clemson Extension is the diversity of work throughout the seasons. Rarely do we have the same tasks day after day. It often changes with the season. The fall and winter seasons bring about fairs and festivals, […]
Adam Petty4-H AgentLaurens County The Whiskers and Tails 4-H Dog Club is a group of 4-H’ers from Laurens and Greenville Counties who are interested in learning more about working with their furry friends and showing them in competitive events. For many years, Laurens County 4-H has supported opportunities for youth related to dogs. Each year […]
Julia Newsome Rural Health & Nutrition Agent Cherokee & Union Counties “The first Health Extension for Diabetes (HED) cohort in Cherokee county was a community success! The cohort started in August 2023 and graduated in December 2023, with approximately a 90% graduation rate (adjusted)! We are recruiting for a second Health Extension for Diabetes cohort […]
Carolyn Dawson Area Extension Forestry Agent Anderson, Cherokee, Greenville, Oconee, Pickens, & Spartanburg Counties Now that deep winter is upon us, and the trees are bare of leaves, it is extremely easy to see the round, green balls of leaves scattered throughout the tree canopies. This is mistletoe. Is it harmful to trees? Well, kind […]