Clemson Extension Upstate District

Cooking Like a Chef Camp

Plans for this very popular summer camp began in January when a team of four Spartanburg teens attended the South Carolina 4-H Cooking Like a Chef Summit in Chapin.  The four teens cooked through recipes from a set of six menus.  They learned basic knife cuts, how spices can completely change a dish, and a […]

Newest Addition to Spartanburg County Horticulture

Hello everyone, my name is Nicole Goodman. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to serve Spartanburg County in all matters related to horticulture! This is an exciting position for me, and I can’t wait to immerse myself in the vibrant, green heart of our area. As a Swiss horticulturist with a passion for plants […]

What is EFNEP?

The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program has been serving limited-resource families across the United States for over fifty years through community nutrition education. EFNEP was established in 1969 by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) in response to growing concerns of diet quality and poverty nationwide. It began as a pilot […]

Fumigating Strawberries Safely and Effectively

Andy Rollins, the Commercial Horticulture Agent for the Upstate, has been working on a project to help growers fumigate the soil more safely and effectively.  This process will help treat and prevent soil-borne diseases and nematodes. In the past growers have used shank type fumigation that involves pulling a plastic bedding machine that has injection […]

Growing Gardeners

Laura Haddon Spartanburg 4-H Youth Development             Spartanburg County 4-H has partnered with Kids Upstate (formerly Boys and Girls Club of the Upstate) for almost twenty years.  Spartanburg 4-H provides STEM, Ag in the Classroom, and Healthy Lifestyles programs for the youth attending Kids Upstate afterschool and summer programs.             This year Spartanburg 4-H was […]

Welcome Emily Fish Our New EFNEP Agent

Emily DuRant Fish is a graduate of Clemson University with a degree in Language and International Health (B.S.). Upon graduation, she started her career in Cooperative Extension as a youth nutrition educator with the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) at the University of Maryland, College Park. During her time there, Emily also took on the role of a […]

Annual Training in Greer for Horticultural Professionals Expanding

Drew JeffersHorticulture and Natural Resource AgentSpartanburg County The annual integrated pest management (IPM) symposium in Greer, SC, was a huge success again in 2023. The IPM symposium offers sound, economical, and environmentally friendly pest management topics to landscapers, growers, and other horticultural professionals. Horticulture agent Drew Jeffers holds the training at the Canon Centre in […]

Spartanburg County Extension Office Gets a Facelift

Drew Jeffers Spartanburg County Horticulture Agent             The Clemson University Cooperative Extension Office in Spartanburg County has been at 612 Chesnee Highway in Spartanburg since 2008, serving thousands of residents annually. As with most organizations, they need to freshen things up a bit every now and then. The office has undergone some light renovation to […]