Newberry County 4-H continues to rebuild its post-pandemic programs using both in-person and virtual methods. Our membership year runs September through August. At the mid-way mark of the 2022-23 4-H year we boast over 900 youth participating in our clubs, school enrichment programs, and independent projects. 4-H clubs are the root of our youth development […]
2022 4-H Summer Re-Cap Newberry County 4-H recently wrapped up their summer programs for 2022. The goal for this year was to introduce local youth to some vintage skills in hopes that they would enter their creations in a local fair. This would benefit both the fair, with more entries and from a younger audience, […]
Southeast Dairy Youth Retreat Clemson University Cooperative Extension hosted the 2022 Southeast Dairy Youth Retreat July 10 to 14. The annual youth retreat rotates through five of the Southeastern states including Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. The week is full of farm tours, non-farm tours, workshops, and other learning opportunities for youth […]
South Carolina Dairy Heifer Project The South Carolina Dairy Heifer Project began in 1974 and is one of the oldest 4-H projects of its kind in the nation. This project was designed to provide youth in South Carolina an opportunity to raise a dairy heifer and experience the dairy industry, and then sell their heifer […]
This year Newberry County 4-H has focused on developing county level projects for youth to participate in. Last summer, we held our first County Tomato Project. Nine youth participated in growing tomatoes that might be the largest or the ugliest in the county. As we were purchasing the prizes for these winners, things that they […]
The Clemson Spring Dairy Show and Junior Dairy Weekend was held April 22-25, 2021, at the T. Ed Garrison Arena. The hopes of the show committee composed of local dairymen, Clemson Extension personnel, 4-H Dairy Club leaders, and dairy industry representatives when re-organizing the event was to make this weekend a cornerstone for our dairy […]
While the summer of 2021 didn’t look like summers of the past, 4-H was able to offer some in-person programming. Newberry County 4-H stuck with offering life-skills workshops for youth ages 8-14. Due to the COVID situation, workshops were limited in spacing due to social distancing. Some workshops offered more than one session to accommodate […]
2020 South Carolina Dairy Youth Heifer Project Bred Heifer Sale The South Carolina Dairy Youth Heifer Project, a Clemson University Youth Livestock program initiative, gives any active 4-H or FFA member, age 5-17, the opportunity to raise and show a registered dairy heifer. During this 18-month project, participants learn how to care for, manage, train, […]
Agronomic Crop Activities Row crop producer needs were handled through the summer as usual, mainly through farm visits and one-on-one trainings. Producer trainings for paraquat and dicamba herbicides, which were required by the EPA, were handled mainly in small group in-person formats with some virtual platforms utilized where applicable. In-season farm visits to address crop […]
NEWBERRY COUNTY 4-H – NEWSLETTER While restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic put a halt to the general routine of Newberry County 4-H and forced many of our programs towards a new format, we managed to reach 63 local youth through our multi-county virtual summer camps. Virtual goes against the very nature of 4-H, which […]