Clemson Extension Upstate District

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education (EFNEP) in Spartanburg County

It’s not unknown that the times we currently are unprecedented, uncertain, and in no way easy. However, the Clemson Extension Services in Spartanburg County certainly has not stopped serving our Community. As we continued to get used to what we know as “the new normal,” we could see people being less anxious, the businesses opened […]

Clemson EFNEP Spartanburg County moves Nutrition Education Classes to the virtual field.

South Carolina, as the rest of the world, since March-2020, is facing unprecedented circumstances due to the world pandemic for COVID-19. The Clemson EFNEP statewide family as every South Carolinian, learned to live a new lifestyle. We acquired new hygiene routines, social distancing routines, etc. Clemson EFNEP canceled all in person classes statewide and stopped […]

Nutrition Educator Update – Gina Gilbert

Gina Gilbert is a Nutrition Educator with EFNEP (Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program) and Clemson University Extension in Greenwood County.   Gina delivers nutrition education to youth & adults with limited resources in four core areas: diet quality and physical activity, food resource management, food safety and food security.  She believes that education empowers people to […]

EFNEP Nutrition Educator Update- Brandi Anderson

Becoming a nutrition educator has inspired me on so many levels. Working within the Clemson EFNEP (Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program) family has allowed me to connect with fellow EFNEP educators. These educators share a passion for helping others make their lives better through nutrition education. My fellow educators go above and beyond to […]