Clemson Extension Upstate District

Water Education Through Art

Beyond the Surface art exhibit

Beyond the Surface is a water-themed art exhibition featuring work from 25 artists. The diverse artwork highlights the challenges to and beauty of South Carolina’s waters.

The project is a collaborative effort by Clemson Cooperative Extension, the SC Sea Grant Consortium, the SC Water Resources Center, and Tiger Strikes Asteroid Greenville.

Tiger Strikes Asteroid Greenville, 201 Smythe Street, Greenville, SC 29611. The exhibition is available through March 22, 2025, Saturdays (11am-5pm), free admission.

Upcoming events: Please visit the Clemson Extension Events Calendar for information on various events.

Photograph: Beyond the Surface team members included (L-R) representatives from Tiger Strikes Asteroid Greenville (Brooks Stevens, John Cummings), Clemson Cooperative Extension (Masha Bokar, Heather Nix), S.C. Sea Grant Consortium (Brooke Saari, Lola Renauer, Nora Walker), and the SC Water Resources Center (Jeff Allen, PhD).
 Image Credit: Noah Stillman, S.C. Sea Grant Consortium.

Newberry County 4-H News

Hello! My name is Mallory Fulmer, and I am the new Newberry County 4-H Youth Development Agent.  I am from Prosperity, South Carolina. I grew up in Newberry County and attended Newberry College where I received my degree in early childhood education. After graduating, I completed my master’s degree in reading with a focus in early childhood literacy. I am so excited for this new opportunity and look forward to serving Newberry County as the new 4-H Youth Development Agent! I look forward to providing Newberry 4-H members with lots of exciting project, club, and workshop opportunities! Make sure to follow us on Facebook to see all the fun events we will have this year!

Mallory Fulmer

What’s Happening in Newberry County 4-H?

2025 is off to a great start so far for Newberry County 4-H. We brought in the new year with a new agent by hosting a NYE baking workshop for youth in our county. 4-H’ers got the opportunity to mix, measure, and decorate holiday themed treats to take home and share with their families. Newberry County 4-H also has two clubs that have started up this year. The Cooking Club and STEM Club, both being offered to clovers and juniors. This year in the Cooking Club we are cooking by colors. Each meeting we make a new recipe that is the color we have selected. So far this year we have made blue cloud bread and pizza roses! Aside from having fun with color recipes, club members are learning fundamental kitchen skills and cooking techniques. STEM club is also off to a great start. We have learned about the importance of strong foundations in buildings during earthquakes by designing and building our own towers and simulating earthquakes. At STEM club we love bringing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to life by providing club members with fun hands-on learning opportunities. This spring we will be starting Embryology in partnership with teachers from Newberry County School District. We have had a blast incubating our own chicks in preparation for the project! As summer approaches we will have more workshop and camp opportunities. Be on the lookout for updates!

2024 Saluda County Livestock and Forages Updates

Travis Mitchell
Livestock and Forages Agent for Newberry and Saluda Counties
Director for The South Carolina Cattlemen’s Association

Livestock and Forage producers around South Carolina are certainly ready for spring.  The spring bull and replacement heifer sales are in full swing, as this always seems to be a very busy time of the year.  As we move into 2024, input costs in every agriculture sector continue to rise.  Producers will face many challenges this year as they manage their budgets to navigate the rise in input costs.
The South Carolina Cattlemen’s Association held its annual meeting and convention on February 2 at the T.Ed. Garrison Arena in Clemson.  The educational components of the meeting focused on the beef cattle market outlook and investment strategies during market peaks.  Scholarships and state awards of excellence were also presented.  The South Carolina Cattlemen’s Foundation awarded four scholarships to deserving college students.
The Saluda County Cattlemen’s Association will hold its 32nd Annual Replacement Heifer Sale on Saturday, February 24.  Over 85 bred and open heifers will be auctioned from Saluda County cattlemen.
The Saluda County Cattlemen’s Association met on February 6.  Participants listened to an excellent presentation from Mr. Matthew Fischer, Clemson Extension Ag Economist.  Mr. Fischer gave producers a look into market expectations as we move through 2024.
The Saluda County Extension Service will offer a CAMM Recertification course on March 6 at the Hollywood Ruritan.  Participants interested in attending can call the office for further details on how to register.  2024 marks the end of the recertification block for producers holding a Private Pesticide Applicator license.  License holders are required to obtain five recertification credits by December 31, 2024.  A recertification course will be offered on March 6 at the Hollywood Ruritan Building.  Please call the Saluda County Extension office at 864-803-1123 to register.

Saluda County 4-H Spring 2024 and Upcoming Events

Lauren Venegas Black

4H Agent for Saluda County

As we enter the New Year, we have been busy with numerous activities, competitions, and events. Our monthly clubs have been meeting and doing multiple activities.

 For the month of January:

  • Our after school Clubs made Valentine’s posters for our Nursing Home patients.
  • Our cooking clubs learned how to make taco bites.
  • Our Sewing Club started working on a reading pillow.
  • Our Livestock Club learned about Horses.

School Enrichment:

  • We are still partnering with Saluda Primary Elementary School to provide art to kindergarten – 5th grade once a month.
  • We partnered with Hollywood Elementary School 4th grade to provide lessons on electricity and circuits through our Snap Circuits.

State Events and Competitions:

  • Congratulations to Sarah Ann Crawford for being selected to compete in the State 4-H Presentation Contest.
  • Congratulations to Makiyah Glymph on being selected as our Junior Poultry Record book Winner. She is now competing in the State Junior Poultry Record Book Contest.
  • Congratulations to Sarah Ann Crawford on being selected as our Junior Wildlife Food Plot Record Book Winner. She is now competing in the State Junior Wildlife Food Plot Record Book Contest.
  • We had several Juniors attend Junior Teen Weekend in February at Camp Long. Sarah Ann Crawford, Myla Long, Corley Jean Herlong, Caroline Berry, and Gillian O’Gorman. Mya Chapman also attended as a leader with the State Teen Council.

Upcoming Events and Projects:

South Carolina 4-H Engineering Challenge Overview
The event will be held at the South Carolina State Fairgrounds in Columbia, SC, on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, from 9 AM to 3:30 PM for youth ages 9-18 *. The SC 4-H Engineering Challenge began in 2012 and has grown annually to approximately 250 youth competitors! Youth who participated in this event reported increased confidence and knowledge in science skills. In addition to STEM-based
challenges for youth competition, there will be an interactive STEAM Expo from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM.

4-H Poultry Project Offered
             It’s that time of year again to sign up for the 2024 4-H Poultry Project. It may be cool now, but Spring will be here before you know it, and the days will get warmer. With the current price of eggs, there is no better time to teach our youth the fun of raising and showing chickens. For the new or veteran chicken grower, this 4-H project offers youth the opportunity to learn valuable lessons in caring for and maintaining a flock in a fun and engaging atmosphere.
Raising baby chicks from day one to egg-laying age can be a rewarding experience for our 4-H youth across South Carolina. The 4-H Poultry Projects are open to all youth ages five to eighteen. Each county Clemson Extension office and 4-H Program will have registration information. Contact Steve Huck, Region Poultry Project Coordinator (, or Saluda County 4-H Agent at
             The 4-H Pullet Chain has been one of our most popular projects, and other than feed and shelter, it does not require an abundance of time or expense. Registration is open through March 3, 2024. Youth can order chicks in quantities of twelve ($45) or twenty-five ($85) to raise over the summer. Chicks will arrive in early May. This year’s breeds of chicks are Golden Comet, Rhode Island Red, and Barred Plymouth Rock. Each breed is a reliable layer. We encourage families to research before deciding which breed will be best for their 4-H project and as their backyard flock.
              Successful completion of the Pullet Chain project requires record keeping, showing at least one show, and returning a portion of the birds at the end of the project for auction. If you order 12 birds, you will return three birds to 4-H. If you order 25 birds, you will return five birds to a final 4-H Pullet Chain Auction, typically held after show season. Once the above is complete, the youth’s registration deposit is returned, and the remaining birds are theirs to keep for free. Proceeds from the auction help offset the cost of offering the project and all prizes/awards given throughout the year. Youth will also have opportunities to exhibit their poultry knowledge or showcase their 4-H project experience by participating in various educational opportunities leading up to the final show.
Also offered this year is the 4-H Laying Flock Project. The Laying Flock Project is for the youth who already have chickens at home and are not interested in ordering chicks from 4-H this year or they acquire them on their own by May 1, 2024. Participants have the same opportunities to show as those in the Pullet Chain. Participating in the Laying Flock Project costs $10 for 4-H members, and registration is open through May 1, 2024.
Youth registering for the SC 4-H Poultry Projects must also register and pay for their SC 4-H Membership at The membership allows youth to participate in other 4-H projects offered for the year, including clubs, projects, and summer camps. The Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, gender identity, marital or family status, and is an equal opportunity employer.
             The 4-H Poultry Project, like our other animal projects, is a rewarding experience for young people. They learn responsibility and a vast array of life skills that will help them grow into versatile, well-rounded adults. 4-H animal projects, such as the 4-H Poultry Project, encourage the process of “discovery” of knowledge and solutions and build competence and confidence.
Youth must complete the poultry registration online to participate in the 4-H poultry projects. Assistance is available through local Clemson Extension Offices or online at

South Carolina 4-H Dairy Judging Contest
This event is open to South Carolina 4-H youth (5-18 years old as of January 1, 2024). Current 4-H membership is required for participation in this event. This evaluation contest will be held on Friday, March 22, at the T. Ed Garrison Arena, Pendleton, SC (1101 West Queen Street, Pendleton, SC, 29670). Please review the provided contest information below.
General Information
1. The contest check-in will be at 11:30 am, orientation is at 12:00 noon, and the contest will begin at 12:30 pm.
2. The awards program will be held after the contest.
3. All entries must be completed online by March 8, 2024. No late entries will be accepted. Corrections and substitutions will be accepted on the day of the contest. Refunds are available up to seven days before the event.
4. There will be a $15 registration fee for each individual or $45 per team (minimum of three, maximum of four team members.) Registration must be made online with a credit/debit card.
5. Any additional communication for the event will be made through the email address provided in the registration.
6. This event does not assume custodial care of youth in attendance. Parents, guardians, or chaperones must be present to supervise participants. Coaches will be responsible for providing meals/snacks for their youth.
7. Each contestant must bring two (2) sharpened No. 2 pencils as their writing instrument(s) and a clipboard/blank steno/notepad.
8. Direct questions to Tina Horn (Contest Superintendent) at and Heather Shultz at

2024 SC 4-H Small Garden Project
The 2024 SC 4-H Small Garden Project is now open for South Carolina youth registration. This project is a hands-on, environmental education program and a competitive, independent-study project that allows youth ages 5 through 18 an opportunity to establish, maintain, and harvest a small garden. The purpose of the Small Garden Project is to educate the youth of South Carolina on where and how their food is grown using hands-on, in-the-garden experiences.

Youth will set goals and plan activities and strategies to achieve those outcomes, even facing challenges. They will reflect on their work by documenting their skill development and learning experiences. They will give back to their communities through educational and service activities. Participating in this project will teach youth valuable record-keeping, financial management, and communication skills. They will ultimately become good stewards of the environment and gain technical expertise that can promote beneficial practices.

The cost is $25 for current 4-H members (non-members will be expected to enroll in 4HOnline for the 2023-2024 club year). If you would like to participate but do not have available land, your local Extension office may be able to help you locate a landowner or public space that could be made available to you.

Once youth register, 4-H will supply participants with a garden starter kit and other educational materials. Participants must plant at least two other crops of their choice. Participants will receive a printed project record book and newsletters/informational resources to help along the way.

Hurry! The deadline to register is Friday, April 5, 2024.

Contact your local Clemson Extension County office or visit the SC 4-H Small Garden Project Website: for more information and online registration.

 Contact your 4-H agent for more information!

Upcoming Events in Saluda, SC

Upcoming events sign


Saluda County Upcoming Events





February 24, 2024  Saluda County Cattlemens 32nd Annual Heifer Sale starts at 12:00, Noon

February 27, 2024 – Saluda 4-H Livestock Club Meeting here at the office at 4:00pm

March 3,2024 – Registration Deadline for the 4-H Pullet Chain Poultry Project

March 5, 2024 – State 4-H Legislative Day , Columbia SC

March 6, 2024  – Saluda County CAMM Training at Hollywood Ruritan for 10am to 12.
March 6, 2024 – Saluda County Private Applicators Recertification for Recert. Credits up to 3 Credits Meeting at 1 to 4pm at Hollywood Ruritan in Saluda, SC

March 8, 2024 –  Deadline to register for the 4H Dairy Judging Contest.

March 22, 2024–  4-H Dairy Judging Competition in Pendleton and Dairy Spring Show. Also, deadline to Register for the 4H Livestock Judging Competition.

April 5, 2024 – Deadline to Register For the 4-H Small Garden Project
April 5, 2024 – 4-H Livestock  Judging Competition in Pendleton

April 19-24 – Nation 4-H Conference in Washington, DC

York County Agritourism Farms Highlighted in New Farmer Workshop

43 new farmers from across the state of South Carolina visited York County on September 28, 2023 to learn more about agritourism.  The workshop, coordinated by the South Carolina New and Beginning Farmer Program and York County’s Agribusiness Agent, Ben Boyles, allowed farmers to see agritourism operations first-hand through guided tours of 3 York County agritourism farms.  Farm stops included Tatanka Bison Ranch, Black’s Peaches, and Five Blossoms Farm.  Participants also heard from the South Carolina Agritourism Association and learned more about how to incorporate this type of enterprise into their farm business.

Spartanburg County Extension Office Gets a Facelift

Drew Jeffers

Spartanburg County Horticulture Agent

Spartanburg Counties new foyer

            The Clemson University Cooperative Extension Office in Spartanburg County has been at 612 Chesnee Highway in Spartanburg since 2008, serving thousands of residents annually. As with most organizations, they need to freshen things up a bit every now and then. The office has undergone some light renovation to make it more inviting to residents and make the classroom more usable for future classes and training. Residents are encouraged to come by and check out the new office and will enjoy a new and exciting classroom experience.

The Roaring News

York County Extension
Hello York County,
The extension agents are as busy as ever with programs. I hope you enjoy reading about the many
things we have been doing and programs upcoming.
We welcome Tina Horn, who serves as the livestock & forage agent in York County and works statewide
with dairy farms. Please contact our staff directly with your questions from this contact page:

Paul Thompson
Urban Horticulture Agent/County Coordinator

Learn more about our available online courses here:

South Carolina Youth Dairy Heifer Project

The South Carolina Dairy Heifer Project began in 1974 and is one of the oldest 4-H projects of its kind in the Nation. This project was designed to provide youth in South Carolina an opportunity to raise a dairy heifer and experience the dairy industry, and then sell their heifer at the South Carolina Dairy Heifer Project Bred Heifer Sale. Throughout the years, thousands of South Carolina youth have taken part in 4-H dairy work. These 4-H and Dairy Heifer Project alumni can be found in all “walks of life.” Many are outstanding farmers and leaders of the dairy industry, while others are doctors, veterinarians, and teachers. In nearly every case, these people look back on this 4-H dairy experience as an outstanding part of their youth.

As the dairy industry has changed and evolved over the years, so has the South Carolina Dairy Heifer Project. Due to COVID restrictions, the 2020 Bred Heifer Sale was held online for the first time with great success. Due to that success, the sale has been permanently moved to an online format and the event dates have been adjusted to better suit the needs of the dairy industry. Through all the changes, the South Carolina Dairy Heifer Project has continued to thrive and reach youth across the state. Thirty-seven heifers are currently in project and under the care of 4-H youth and eighteen of those youth are from York County.

The 4-H and FFA dairy project members exhibit their dairy project animals at fairs, shows, and events in nearly every region of the state. Millions of people have seen or learned about 4-H and FFA through these youth dairy exhibits at the many fairs and events in South Carolina. This offers a tremendous opportunity for 4-H, FFA, Clemson Cooperative Extension, and the dairy industry to educate and inform the public about the dairy industry and youth dairy programs. Many thanks go out to the industry for the support of the program. Heifers for the project come from project alumni and producers across the Southeast who have seen the impact the project has had and is continuing to have on our youth.

Rural Health in Union County

Julia Newsome, Rural Health & Nutrition Extension Agent
Union & Cherokee Counties

I have promoted extension programs and recruited participants at various events/health fairs across Union County this summer. If you see me at a local event, feel free to stop by and ask any questions regarding Clemson Cooperative Extension programing!

I started two “Health Extension for Diabetes (HED)” cohorts for Union residents: one online and one in-person. Registration is open for the in-person cohort until Tuesday 09/19/23, please contact me if you are interested in HED programing.

  • HED is a free diabetes support program recognized by the ADA as a practice-tested diabetes support program. The main goal of this program is to help participants better manage diabetes to prevent or delay complications. HED is 4 months long and includes a series of 8 education sessions and intermittent support sessions; Each session is designed to help participants learn more about diabetes and provide them with necessary skills and support to successfully self-manage diabetes. Participants will receive bi-weekly materials and weekly follow-up to help navigate resources and reach healthy lifestyle goals; A Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes diagnosis is required for enrollment.

In July, I spoke at the Union County School District’s (UCSD) Opening Day Professional Development event for UCSD staff. I provided “Know Diabetes By Heart (KDBH)”. If there is an upcoming event or group meeting that you would be interested in me speaking at, I would love to attend. Please feel free to contact me if you have any opportunities or questions.

  • KDBH is sponsored by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and American Heart Association (AHA). It is a free education session offered in-person or online. The program aims to help participants better understand the link between diabetes and heart disease. By participating in this one-hour session, you will learn more about risks related to diabetes and heart disease, how to take control of your risks, and learn about community and clinical resources.

It is important for me to be a part of the Union community, so I became a member of the Union County Rotary Club this April. I’m looking forward to upholding the Clemson Extension standard of service!

Julia’s Contact Information:
Office – 864-424-8275
Email –