Engineering and Science Education

Benson and Martin Named Fellows of ASEE for 2019

Lisa Benson and Julie Martin became Fellows of the American Society of Engineering Education at a special ceremony at the 126th Annual Meeting for ASEE in Tampa, FL, in June 2019.  According to the ASEE website, “the Grade of Fellow is one of unusual professional distinction and conferred by the Board of Directors upon an ASEE member with outstanding and extraordinary qualifications, and experience in engineering or engineering technology education or allied field, and ASEE contributions.”  Both ESED faculty members were recognized by the National Science Foundation with the Early CAREER Development (CAREER) grant, Julie in 2010 and Lisa in 2011, which were two of the earliest CAREER awards in engineering education.  Lisa was named editor-in-chief of the Journal of Engineering Education, the ASEE flagship journal, in July 2017.  Just recently, Julie was named editor-in-chief of the Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering.  Julie is currently serving as the Program Manager for the NSF Engineering Education program.  She was an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Fellow in 2012-2013.  Both have been honored with awards from their peers at Clemson and by colleagues nationally.  Just a few examples of their national honors include Julie’s recognition with the WEPAN Founder’s Award in 2019 and the WEPAN Betty Vetter Award for Research in 2017 and Lisa’s with the Helen Plant Award for the Best Non-traditional Workshop by ASEE/IEEE in 2008 and again 2014.  Julie was honored with the Excellence in Mentoring Award in 2016 from the Clemson University Graduate Student Government.  Lisa received the Class of ’39 Award in 2019, the highest distinction for a faculty member at Clemson.  Her efforts at Clemson have also been honored by her peers with the 2010 College of Engineering and Science Faculty Mentoring Award and the 2015 College of Engineering and Science Faculty Collaboration Award.  Both Lisa and Julie have served ASEE well.  Both have served as Director and Program Chairs for the ASEE Education and Research Methods Division.  Julie served as a delegate to the ASEE Diversity Committee and was appointed by the ASEE Executive Director to the Executive Working Group on Access and Affordability.  Clemson University and the Engineering and Science Education Department has been fortunate to have such outstanding faculty.  Congratulations to Lisa and Julie as Fellows of ASEE.

The photos show each receiving their awards from the 2019 President of ASEE, Stephanie Farrell, Professor and Chair of the Department of Experiential Engineering Education, Rowan University.