Engineering and Science Education

“Engaging Students as Partners in an Interdisciplinary Lesson Study”

Margaret Ann Bolick Ph.D. Student Engineering and Science Education Clemson University There is a growing need to support interdisciplinary STEM knowledge and skills to address 21st-century challenges, yet STEM disciplines are often taught in isolation and removed from real-world applications.This seminar will discuss my experiences as an instructor for a newly developed course that is […]

Why I Can’t Talk About My Dissertation: Thoughts on Equity in Graduate Education

ESED Seminar, November 3, 2023, at 11:15 am-12:05 pm.  Completing a doctoral degree in engineering is hard. Completing a doctoral degree in engineering as a nontraditional, atypical, or otherwise marginalized student can be burdensome. My journey through graduate education has been one of my most dynamic life experiences to date and I continue to engage […]

Where are the people? Integrating sociotechnical context as a technique towards inclusion.

 Friday, October 27th 11:15 am – 12:05 pmRiggs 223 ESED Fall 2023 Seminar Series Dr. Diana A. Chen Associate Professor Integrated Engineering University of San Diego Where are the people? Integrating sociotechnical context as a technique towards inclusionEngineering codes of ethics and ABET accreditation place an emphasis on societal contexts and public welfare, yet engineering […]

More Relevant and Inclusive: How Statistics Education Can Better Serve Our Students

Statistics classes have a poor reputation among many groups of students, particularly within the social sciences. These classes may be taught in a narrow way that focuses on the mathematics behind statistical models but misses the broader context and human biases that comprise a large part of data analysis and reporting. This narrow focus may […]

Course mapping: A best practice for student learning.

Course mapping is a form of concept map that outlines how students learning objectives tie to assessments. This course organization has many benefits, including providing a guideline for students, a basis for curriculum mapping, a discovery learning gaps, and a resource for accreditations. In this short session, I will review what a course map is, […]

Title: A Neurocognitive Exploration of Student Motivation Toward Design Problem Stimuli

Abstract: Prior research suggests the inclination to ‘design and build’ attracts students to engineering, highlighting the importance of design in student motivation toward pursuing engineering. However, students have preferences for the type of design problems they wish to solve as such projects frame their understanding of the engineering practice and could have an impact on […]