Engineering and Science Education

Catherine McGough Receives iREDEFINE Award

Catherine McGough, ESED PhD candidate and NSF Graduate Research Fellow, received the iREDEFINE Award from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association (ECEDHA) and funded by NSF.  The award supported Catherine’s travel to a two-day workshop that coincided with the annual ECEDHA conference in Monterey, CA, March 17-18, 2018.  The intent of the award is to increase the diversity in Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty by bringing outstanding women and underrepresented minorities who are planning academic careers to interact with ECE department heads from across the nation.  In addition to the workshop on career planning, the award winners participate in quarterly e-meetings that establish a community of support and build on professional preparation advice provided at the workshop.  Catherine was one of 13 award winners from 45 applicants.