Engineering and Science Education

Welcome to Kelly Lazar

ESED is proud to announcement the addition of Dr. Kelly Best Lazar to our department.  Kelly brings experience in geosciences education research to the department.  As a post-doctoral associate at Clemson, she investigated experiential learning as a mechanism to engage students in geosciences.  Lazar led a group of undergraduate researchers in developing activities based on geocaching, a popular hobby that uses GPS (Global Positioning System) technology.  She plans on further broadening participation in the geosciences through engagement with virtual reality, science communication, and field experiences.  Her expertise in coastal geological processes will also inform her study of students’ alternative conceptions of coastal change.  She has a joint appointment with the geology program housed in the Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences.  Kelly obtained her PhD in geological sciences from the Ohio State University, her MS from East Carolina University, and her BS in geology from North Carolina State University.  Welcome, Dr. Kelly Lazar!