Department of Languages

Department hosts 44th Annual Declamation Contest

Declamation Participants
Declamation participants in Daniel Hall.

On October 22, 2016, the Department of Languages hosted the 44th Annual Declamation Contest. This poetry recitation contest brings together middle- and high-school students from South Carolina and Georgia, who come to the Clemson campus for the day to show off their language skills. This year, almost 500 students from 27 middle and high schools registered to compete in ASL, Chinese, French, German, Latin, Japanese, and Spanish. Clemson students also volunteered to help with registration and supervise contest rooms in Daniel Hall.

Declamation Awards Ceremony
Declamation Awards Ceremony at Tillman Hall.

Competitors recited two poems, a mandatory selection and a second selection. They were evaluated by 63 judges, who included Clemson faculty, Clemson graduate and exchange students, and members of the community. After the judging was complete, students and their families attended an awards ceremony in Tillman Hall. The event also gave participants a chance to explore the campus, eat in a dining hall, and learn more about the school. Past Declamation participants have attended or are now attending Clemson to study foreign languages.

The contest’s continued success is due to the hard work of the Department’s faculty and staff, especially the Declamation Committee of Su-I Chen, Scott Harris, Melva Persico, Cathy Robison, Anne Carole Salces y Nedeo, Amy Sawyer, and Roger Simpson.

Department hosts International Forum for German and Spanish in the Professions

IFGSP Keynote Speaker
Roger Heitzeg gives the keynote address, “Experience of a German Company in Mexico.” (Photo courtesy of Clemson University.)

The Department of Languages and the German and Spanish Programs hosted the International Forum for German and Spanish in the Professions on September 28, 2016. This conference, the sixth in the annual German conference series, was held in the Hendrix Center Ballroom on the Clemson University campus. German companies from the region with markets and investments in Latin America were in attendance.

IFGSP Roundtable
Students participate in a roundtable discussion. (Photo courtesy of Clemson University.)

In addition, students of German and Spanish from Clemson, Kennesaw State and USC-Upstate majoring in other fields such as engineering, business and international trade participated. Events included a keynote address by Roger Heitzeg of Robert Bosch LLC and a panel discussion on challenges and opportunities in Latin America. Finally, there was a roundtable session in which students had the opportunity to speak with representatives of attending companies.