Physics and Astronomy Blog

Medical Physics Seminar Series on the use of the Geant4 Simulation Package

The Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation environment was developed at CERN for the modeling of the interaction of particles and radiation with matter. Its use spans from high-energy physics through astrophysics to medical physics applications. The Medical Physics Group at the Department of Physics and Astronomy implemented the package on the Palmetto Cluster to run simulations of different radiosurgery equipment. Our collaborator Yannick LEMARECHAL, Ph.D. from the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest – LaTIM will give a three-part seminar series on the use of the package on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, August 24-26 from 5:30-6:30 pm. Interested students and faculty are welcome.

Wednesday, August 24: The philosophy of Geant4 and how to install it

Thursday, August 25: The basics of Geant4

Friday, August 26: Advanced Examples

Please contact Dr. Endre Takacs ( for more information.