Physics and Astronomy Blog

Prof. Kaeppler’s sounding rocket experiment INCAA featured in popular German podcast

German radio journalist Kristian Thees and German actress and entertainer Anke Engelke, talk about the NASA sounding rocket experiment INCAA and the image of tracer releases in Alaska submitted by listener Prof. Gerald Lehmacher, who was co-investigator for the experiment. Prof. Steve Kaeppler and Prof. Miguel Larsen were principal investigator and co-investigator, respectively. The photo taken by Danute Paukstys from Wasilla, Alaska is featured in the podcast’s blog and discussed (in German) in the episode of May 26, 2022 (starting at about 8:50 min). Two sounding rockets were successfully launched on April 7, 2022 from Poker Flat, Alaska to study ion-neutral coupling under active aurora. The payloads carried experiments from the University of California Berkeley, the University of Calgary and Clemson University.

INCAA tracer releases over Alaska (Photo: Danute Paukstys)

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