Professor Yao Wang was awarded a DOE Early Career Award for a proposal titled, “Analog Quantum Simulation for Solid-State Spectroscopies”. He has proposed to develop analog quantum simulation protocols for spectroscopy of quantum materials and extend this work to the simulation of spectroscopy of laser-engineered non-equilibrium matter. Quantum materials are characterized by having entangled electrons that behave in ways that cannot be described classically. Engineering such materials opens the door to developing novel types of superconductors and batteries, but to take full advantage of these possibilities, it is crucial to accurately and efficiently characterize the properties of the electrons. Classical computers are not capable of running such simulations, but quantum computers will be able to do so. The protocols developed by this work will enable theorists to harness the power of quantum machines that will be available in the near term. Dr. Wang’s work will transform our knowledge of exotic materials and has the potential to lead to breakthrough discoveries in superconductors, energy storage, and quantum devices.
The DOE Early Career Award are “a part of the DOE’s long-standing efforts to develop the next generation of STEM leaders who will solidify America’s role as the driver of science and innovation around the world.” This year 83 awards were granted to faculty at 47 different universities and 13 national labs. These awards provide $750k over five years that in the words of U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm, “…[allows] the recipients the freedom to find the answers to some of the most complex questions as they establish themselves as experts in their fields.”
Please join me in congratulating Dr. Wang for this great honor. I’m sure we all look forward to seeing the results of this work.