Clemson Extension Upstate District

Moving Forward by Looking Back In 4-H

Mark Cathcart, Union County 4-H Agent It’s an exciting time to be a 4-H’er in Union County.  Oftentimes it is difficult for 4-H clubs to find suitable space to hold meetings and do activities.  We are very fortunate in Union to have access to a great meeting room.  Recently that got even better, as the use […]

RURAL HEALTH & NUTRITION: Diabetes Programs for Union County – Julia Newsome

The first Health Extension for Diabetes (HED) cohort in Union County was a community success! The cohort started in September 2023 and graduated in December 2023, with approximately a 90% graduation rate (adjusted)! We are recruiting for a second Health Extension for Diabetes cohort at the Union County Library for HED in-person programing. Registration is […]

Adventures From the Area Forestry and Natural Resource Agent – Jeff Fellers

One thing I love about working for Clemson Extension is the diversity of work throughout the seasons.  Rarely do we have the same tasks day after day.  It often changes with the season. The fall and winter seasons bring about fairs and festivals, along with our normal activities. Union County Agricultural Fair October is all […]

Happenings With Union County 4-H – Mark Cathcart

New Year! New Goals! New Clubs! New People! The new year brings the opportunity to get things back on schedule here in Union County. The Union County Agricultural Fair consumes most of October and Thanksgiving and Christmas family time suspends our regular meeting schedules.  January is a time to get back to the task at […]

Rural Health in Union County

Julia Newsome, Rural Health & Nutrition Extension Agent Union & Cherokee Counties I have promoted extension programs and recruited participants at various events/health fairs across Union County this summer. If you see me at a local event, feel free to stop by and ask any questions regarding Clemson Cooperative Extension programing! I started two “Health […]


Mark Cathcart, Union County 4-H Agent Being a 4-H agent is the most rewarding, frustrating, difficult, and easiest job I have ever had.  4-H agents do everything at once while everyone thinks you are doing nothing, or just playing with kids.  As a blacksmith, I have a desire to pass the love of this trade […]

Area Forestry Agent Report-Jeff Fellers

In January, I always look forward to judging the 4-H Wildlife Food Plots that were planted by 4-H’ers in the fall of the year.  This year I visited Newberry, Laurens, and Saluda Counties to judge six different food plots.  The 4-H Wildlife Food Plot Project gives participants a bag of seed to plant a certain […]

Area Livestock and Forages Agent Update

This past December, I had the opportunity through South Carolina Farm Bureau to travel to Washington DC with a few other Young Farmer and Ranchers from across our state to meet with our legislators, government ag agencies, and Farm Bureau staff. It was eye-opening and humbling to see how policy for our country is made. […]

4-H and Blacksmithing

Hands on trades and hard work seem to be going out of style.  Although blacksmithing is both of these, it has grown in popularity over the past few years.  As a blacksmith, it is my desire to pass the love of this trade on to a younger generation. Out of this desire was birthed “Forged […]

Area Livestock Agent Assigned To Union County

A note from Chris LeMaster: I’m happy to begin a new adventure serving the livestock and forage producers of Union County.  I’ve been the Livestock Agent in Cherokee, Spartanburg, and York since 2014. I live on my family’s farm in the Grassy Pond Community of Cherokee with my wife and son. Along with my family, […]