Heather Nix
Water Resource Agent
Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Oconee, Pickens, & Spartanburg Counties
Prepare your pond for spring!
The winter is a great time to start preparing for a healthier pond when warm weather arrives! Here are some actions to consider.
- Consider adding plants to the shoreline of streams and ponds. Riparian buffers with healthy, native vegetation support clean water and help prevent erosion along the shoreline. If the waterbody is in a pasture, see our new Land Grant Press article on Livestock-Safe Buffers!
- When vegetation decays in ponds, the nutrients from the plant tissue are returned to the water – and can spur future plant growth. Remove decaying vegetation and compost in an upland area to help reduce in-pond nutrients.
- Consider installing an aerator in ponds that stratify (or, to simplify, that develop layers of different temperature water) and in areas with slow or stagnant water. Pumping air to the bottom of a pond and letting it bubble to the service can increase dissolved oxygen levels and support healthy fish populations.
- For more information on these, and other suggestions, please read our Pond Weeds: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment Options article on Clemson’s Land Grant Press website.
Upcoming events: Want to install a rain garden? Sign up now for the Master Rain Gardener online course (Register by 2/4/24). Please keep an eye on the Clemson Extension Events Calendar for information on additional events.