Clemson Extension Upstate District

Growing Health

Rural Health and Nutrition Agent, Melissa Bales, discusses the nutrients in tomatoes and peppers.
Rural Health and Nutrition Agent, Melissa Bales, discusses the nutrients in tomatoes and peppers.

Growing Health is a program that was developed by the Greenville County Rural Health and Urban Horticulture Agents to help beginner gardeners in Greenville learn to grow their own vegetables and incorporate these vegetables into a healthy diet. In order to help beginner gardeners learn about vegetables that can be grown throughout the year, Growing Health is presented in accordance with the growing seasons – spring, summer, and fall. Those who participate in the program receive information and growing materials to take home.

Participants in the July Growing Health program learned how to grow their own herbs, how to create their own herb blend, and how to make herb water.
Participants in the July Growing Health program learned how to grow their own herbs, how to create their own herb blend, and how to make herb water.

So far, the program has been a great success with 6 participants returning from the original class on tomatoes and peppers to the most recent class on herbs. Participants in the program have reached out to show their thanks for the program in addition to showing off their successful plants. The program will continue through next year. We also would like to thank the State Farmers Market on Rutherford Road for their support in allowing us to continue to come back to their site to offer the program!

Melissa Bales, Rural Health and Nutrition Extension Agent 

Horticulture Agent, Mary Vargo, demonstrates different areas of a tomato plant.
Horticulture Agent, Mary Vargo, demonstrates different areas of a tomato plant.

One thought on “Growing Health

  1. Hello, I live in Newberry City. Can you tell me where I can find Self Heal Herbs plants growing wild or where I can purchase them
    Thank you

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