Clemson Extension Upstate District

Travis Mitchell – Area Livestock and Forages Agent

This Summer has been a very busy season at the Saluda County Extension office.  We held our first in-person Saluda County Cattlemen’s Association meeting in June.  The meeting was held at Crouch Hardware and Farm Supply.  Producers listened to a great presentation from Purina on beef cattle nutrition.  We also held a CAMM training in August at the Hollywood Ruritan.  Mr. Lee Vanvlake with Clemson Extension gave a presentation on beef cattle watering systems.

The South Carolina Cattlemen’s Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show was held on August 6th at the T. Ed Garrison Livestock Complex in Clemson.  Members in attendance received numerous educational presentations as well as the opportunity to visit with over 30 vendors at our Industry Trade Show.  This year we were pleased to have the South Carolina Angus Association join us for this special event.  Our meeting concluded with our annual awards banquet.  At the banquet, we awarded our Awards of Excellence and recognized our SC Cattlemen’s Foundation scholarship winners.  Details and photos of these award recipients will be published in the next issue of the Carolina Cattle Connection.

The South Carolina Junior Beef Round-Up was also held at the T. Ed Garrison Arena the same weekend as the Annual Meeting and Trade Show.  It was exciting to have this event take place right next door, where members could walk over to support the youth exhibiting their beef cattle.

Plans and preparations have been made for the Saluda County Livestock Shows September 8th-9th.  We look forward to seeing all the youth from around the state exhibit their livestock at these shows.

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