Department of Languages

Spring Highlights: German and Spanish Programs Host Conference for International Business in Mexico

On February 14, the Spanish and German programs hosted the Conference for German and Spanish in International Business and Engineering: Investment in Mexico.  Faculty members Daniel García, Magdalena Matúskova and Lee Ferrell collaborated together in organizing this event with publicity and social media coordinated by Anna Grace Araiza.  Events for the day were moderated and […]

Fall 2020 Reflections: Language and International Health (L&IH) Society Sponsors Webinar

With Spring Semester 2021 underway and the Clemson community adapting to challenges in innovative and impressive ways, it is interesting to look back and reflect on some of the ways the Department of Languages students, faculty and alumni have been navigating these unusual times. Fall Semester 2020 brought with it many unique experiences and ways […]

Spanish students present research in Fall courses

This semester, students in two Spanish classes offered by Dr. Graciela Tissera had the opportunity to present their research on literary topics connected to Spanish literature and film. Madison Barbor, Kathleen Fallon, Mauricio Gallegos Leal, Chandler Gilliard, Nariah Haeffner, Alexandra Hitchens, Laura Issel, Rachel Jones, Akim Koutsioukis, Jillian Marlowe, Elle McDermott, Wyatt Meadors, Valerie Peters, […]

Students honored at CAAH awards ceremony

The following students were honored at the annual College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities (CAAH) awards ceremony on April 12 at the Brooks Center for the Performing Arts: Joey Martinek, Award for Excellence in Spanish Katrina Killinger, Japan-America Association of South Carolina (JAASC) Award for Excellence in Japanese Harrison Kerr, Clemson Chinese Laoshi Award for […]

Spanish students present research in spring courses

Students present their research on literary topics Andrew Gasparini, Clare Howley, Maggie Langland, and Joanna Lilly presented their research in the course ‘Introduction to Hispanic Literary Forms’ (SPAN 3040) offered by Dr. Graciela Tissera in the Spring 2019 semester. Students analyzed works by Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar, Carlos Fuentes, Mario Vargas Llosa, José de […]

News from French and Spanish student societies

French: The French Professional Society (FPS) is a pre-professional society for students with a strong interest and background in French and/or French-American relations that wish to apply these interests to their career. FPS meets monthly as a club as well as informally with individual members who want to learn more about the opportunities available to […]

Spanish student presents research at national conference

Jamie Plummer, a psychology major and Spanish minor, completed her research in SPAN 4970 (Creative Inquiry Project: The Hispanic World through Film, Literature, and Media) offered by Dr. Graciela Tissera in the Spring 2019 semester. Jamie presented her research paper “Machismo, Poverty, and Gender Violence in City of God (2002) by Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund” at […]

Faculty news, Fall 2018

Jody H. Cripps, assistant professor of ASL, served as editor-in-chief of the Society for American Sign Language Journal, which released its second volume. He presented his article from the journal “Stuttering-Like Behaviors in American Sign Language” at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association convention in Boston. Cripps published another article, “Exploring Signed Language Pathology: A Case Study of Professionals […]

Spanish students present research

Students in two 3000-level Spanish courses presented their research on literary themes as well as on social, economic, and political topics. SPAN 3040 students Elisabeth Amini, Erin Clark, Anna Corontzes, Kara Donovan, Courtney Grayson, Madison Herin, Sarah Mcerlean, Allie Mchugh, Melissa Pratt, Hannah Reach, Maegan Reed, Keasler Rothemich, Bryson Rudolph, Mary Elizabeth Schaible, and Jacob Stackelhouse […]

Department hosts 46th Annual Declamation Contest

On October 27, 2018, the Department of Languages hosted the 46th Annual Declamation Contest. This poetry recitation contest brings together middle- and high-school students from the region, who come to the Clemson campus for the day to show off their language skills. This year, 485 students from 31 middle and high schools in South Carolina, Georgia, […]