With Spring Semester 2021 underway and the Clemson community adapting to challenges in innovative and impressive ways, it is interesting to look back and reflect on some of the ways the Department of Languages students, faculty and alumni have been navigating these unusual times. Fall Semester 2020 brought with it many unique experiences and ways to stay engaged and make connections. In our “Fall 2020 Reflections” posts, we are excited to take a look at specific events, opportunities and accomplishments that we saw last semester and which set the stage for even more exciting opportunities this Spring and beyond.
On November 25, the Language and International Health (L&IH) Society sponsored “La Canasta Básica: Culturally relevant healthy food options for Latinx communities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic”.

Rut Rivera, a manager of the health promotion organization, PASOs in Greenville, SC, presented her experience with program development and community relations within the unique context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the webinar, Rivera discussed a new initiative set forth by a collaboration between the Hispanic Alliance and PASOs of Greenville, Canasta Básica, which seeks to provide culturally appropriate food to the local hispanic community suffering from food scarcity as a result of the pandemic. The coalition boasts having connected 2,879 community members with resources during these challenging times.
Her presentation gave students the opportunity to volunteer in the program’s future events and connect with other project managers from PASOs and the Hispanic Alliance. Students were also encouraged to inquire about life in the field of community development. Rivera’s passion for community outreach was obvious and inspiring to all those who attended.