The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program has been serving limited-resource families across the United States for over fifty years through community nutrition education. EFNEP was established in 1969 by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) in response to growing concerns of diet quality and poverty nationwide. It began as a pilot […]
Emily DuRant Fish is a graduate of Clemson University with a degree in Language and International Health (B.S.). Upon graduation, she started her career in Cooperative Extension as a youth nutrition educator with the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) at the University of Maryland, College Park. During her time there, Emily also took on the role of a […]
Current statistics on the health problems that adults and their families face indicate the need to improve nutrition knowledge, to encourage hands-on experience with food, and practice healthful, practical cooking with fresh and affordable foods. The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) is a federally funded program delivered through the Cooperative Extension Service that […]
Throughout the Summer of 2022, the Spartanburg County Nutrition Educator worked tirelessly to deliver EFNEP curricula to youth and adults. We had the opportunity to deliver Nutrition Education lessons at different locations, following brand new partnerships created throughout our county. Amongst the youth audience, we had the privilege to teach the “Choose Health: Food, Fun, […]
Elizabeth (Beth) Edwards-Morelock / EFNEP Beth Edwards-Morelock’s love for Extension and the services they provide began while working in the Lexington County and Saluda County offices as an Administrative Assistant. She earned an associate degree in Health Sciences from Piedmont Technical College in Greenwood, SC. Over the course of her career, she has also worked […]
Aaron C. Swank, MPH, is an applied epidemiologist working with the Fairfield County Extension Service as a Nutrition Educator under the EFNEP program. His academic background and training include Bachelor’s degrees in both Human Nutrition and Kinesiology (2015). Aaron completed a Master of Public Health at Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS) in 2017. He studied […]
For a very long time, Clemson EFNEP has been The best-kept secret, not anymore. More and more people know about EFNEP programming now. Either because they have participated as learners or because word of mouth is out there. We have successfully recruited and taught adults for the Eating Smart Being Active series. We continue providing […]
Marlyne R. Walker, MS, RD EFNEP Curriculum Coordinator/EFNEP Specialist Studies have implied that individuals are not always practicable to attend EFNEP and nutrition classes. Transportation, childcare, and fluctuating work schedules have made regular attendance difficult for many. In addition, COVID-19 has created a whole new set of obstacles. It is imperative to offer nutrition education […]
Situation: The onset of the COVID19 pandemic in March 2020 presented pragmatic and logistic challenges to conduct traditional face to face, hands-on and interactive Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) workforce training. In order to reduce the spread of COVID19 and overcome the hinderance of social distance, the EFNEP management team developed a creative […]
The Health Extension for Diabetes program is a free diabetes self-management and support group. The program has been recognized by the American Diabetes Association as a practice-tested diabetes self-management and support program. The main goal of this program is to help you to better manage your diabetes so that you prevent or delay complications. The […]