Clemson Extension Upstate District

Forestry Agents Focus on Smaller Acreage Woodlands

Carolyn Dawson
Forestry Agent
Anderson, Cherokee, Greenville, Oconee, Pickens, & Spartanburg Counties

Last summer Janet Steele and Carolyn Dawson successfully offered two Woods in Your Backyard workshops in our area. These workshops were designed specifically for landowners with 1-10 acres to help them learn how to implement sustainable outcomes for their woodlands, wildlife, water, and recreational objectives.

The focus on smaller acreages was to educate owners on how to better manage areas of their property, as well as to help them find professionals to complete the more significant tasks. Participants attending the workshop utilized the Woods in Your Backyard guide and workbook pages to learn more about their land.

Participants engaged in the Woods in Your Backyard Workshop.
Participants engaged in the Woods in Your Backyard Workshop.

Elements of The Woods in Your Backyard Workshop consisted of Understanding the benefits of managing your land, Mapping your property, assessing why you own it and what you hope it will become, Understanding how your property functions in the larger landscape, Identifying habitat units on your property, Learning basics of tree ID, forestry, and habitat management, Assessing and improving your property’s water resources, recreational possibilities, and aesthetic appeal, Choosing a few backyard projects to help meet your goals, and setting a timetable and marking your progress.

Due to the success of the workshops, the program will be offered again later in the year.

Carolyn Dawson

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