
Rural Health and Nutrition – Health Extension Agent Danielle McFall

January 28, 2021

Danielle McFall is a Health Extension Agent on the Rural Health and Nutrition program team, who primary program focus is the Health Extension for Diabetes (HED) program. Since COVID-19 prohibited in-person program delivery, the HED program shifted to 100% online delivery in April 2020. As a result, program enrollment expanded beyond normal enrollment. In four months, the program enrolled 86 participants, nearly a year’s worth of program participants! Program participants receive graduation boxes upon successful completion. About 70 participants have recently graduated from HED and received one of these boxes to help encourage them to continue making healthy lifestyle changes. The boxes include items related to nutrition fact label reading, physical activity, blood sugar monitoring, and more!

In addition to online program delivery, new program referral methods and partners were established to improve program awareness. The increase in program numbers allowed for the expansion of additional Health Extension Agents to deliver additional cohorts. Three additional agents were able to be trained for future program delivery to meet community needs in Greenville County.

As information has emerged related to COVID-19, the Rural Health and Nutrition program team has stayed up-to-date with relevant information to be posted on social media and shared with community members. This has also included fact sheets and blogs on the Home and Garden Information Center’s website. Check out these relevant posts about COVID and mental health during the pandemic:

COVID-19: The Science Behind the Mask:
Let’s Face It: Proper Mask Hygiene:
Zoomed Out:
Coping with Stress and Mental Health:


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