
Summer Successes

September 13, 2022

Laura Haddon
Cherokee County 4-H Youth Development Agent

Hands-on learning about watersheds at this summer's 4-H Nature Camp.

Hands-on learning about watersheds at this summer’s 4-H Nature Camp.

Cloverbuds use their hands for larger service by making thank you cards for the veterans living at The Palmetto Patriots Home in Gaffney.

Cloverbuds use their hands for larger service by making thank you cards for the veterans living at The Palmetto Patriots Home in Gaffney.

Cherokee County 4-H stayed busy all summer!  We continued to provide programming to the five Boys and Girls Clubs of the Upstate locations in Cherokee County.  Programs included Healthy Lifestyles lessons, STEM activities, and Ag in the Classroom experiences for first through fifth grades.  Our partnership with the Boys and Girls Clubs is invaluable!

We also hosted day camps and workshops.  Our first day camp of the summer was Nature Camp.  It was offered to a total of 25 youth each Friday in June and covered a different topic each week.  This year the topics included Watersheds, Birds, Aquatic Wildlife, and Tree Identification.  The camp was hosted with the help of Duke Energy and Cherokee County Soil and Water Conservation District.  Each of the participants had fun and gained a greater appreciation for the natural resources in our county.

4-Hers enjoyed interacting with a variety of animals at Animal Science Camp held at Cherokee County's Institute for Innovation.

4-Hers enjoyed interacting with a variety of animals at Animal Science Camp held at Cherokee County’s Institute for Innovation.

The Cloverbuds (ages 5 to 8) enjoyed a camp all to themselves as they learned about the opportunities 4-H has to offer.  They had fun with STEM, Healthy Lifestyles, Natural Resources, and Community Service activities centered around a theme for each day of camp.  The themes were Patriotism, Butterflies, and My Plate.  At the end of the week, we were able to provide the residents at Palmetto Veterans Home in Gaffney with red, white, and blue cards thanking them for their service to our country.

4-H partnered with the horticulture teacher at Cherokee County's Institute for Innovation to host a succulent workshop for teens and tweens.

4-H partnered with the horticulture teacher at Cherokee County’s Institute for Innovation to host a succulent workshop for teens and tweens.

One of our most successful day camps took place in July at the Cherokee County Institute for Innovation.  The agriculture teachers partnered with 4-H to host an Animal Science Camp for 20 youth.  Campers learned how to restrain animals safely, give injections, and bandage and suture wounds.  We had special guests from Latti-moo’s Farm and the Humane Society of Cherokee County.  The youth brought donations of food, bedding, and cleaning supplies to share with the animals at the Humane Society and made pumpkin dog treats and recycled t-shirt toys too!

Volunteers from the American Sewing Guild helped 4-Hers learn basic sewing skills. The pillowcases were donated to a local nursing home.

Volunteers from the American Sewing Guild helped 4-Hers learn basic sewing skills. The pillowcases were donated to a local nursing home.

The Summer Workshops for Tweens and Teens included planting succulents and basic sewing skills.  The American Sewing Guild of the Upstate provided the supplies and expertise needed for the sewing workshop, while we continued our partnership with the Institute for Innovation for the succulent workshop.  The youth that attended enjoyed learning new skills and developing a new hobby!

Community partnerships were the key to our summer successes!  We appreciate all those who helped us make the best of Cherokee County better!


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    • 4-H


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