Clemson Extension Forestry and Wildlife

Tree Issues: From Conks to Cavities to Decay

white mushrooms growing on the main stem of a tree

Winter is rapidly approaching and as the autumn leaves fall, we begin to get a better glimpse of tree trunks and branches. Now is a great time to assess your trees and plan your winter pruning projects or perhaps even tree removals. December through mid-March is the best time to prune trees in our area […]

Firewise Community Program Heats Up in South Carolina

Being firewise can help save your property. Georgia Forestry Commission , Georgia Forestry Commission,

Fires have been a historical feature of the landscape in South Carolina. Our state averages 3,000 wildfires a year. Although news headlines tend to focus on wildfires threatening homes in the western US, the wildland-urban interface, or the area where homes and wildland meet, is not just a western issue. In 2009, South Carolina lost […]