Clemson Extension Forestry and Wildlife

Pond Owner Assessment Checklist for Earthen Embankment Dams

Click here for a print-friendly pdf version This checklist is designed for use by all dam owners in South Carolina. It is recommended that pond owners perform dam assessments semi-annually and after large storm events. Dams regulated as part of the SC DHEC Dam Safety Program may have additional requirements for inspection, maintenance, and/or repair. […]

Summertime Pond Problems

Pond covered in green floating weeds

Warm water is something people look forward to in the summer for fishing, boating, swimming and more. Warm water also contributes to many common pond problems in the summertime. We will cover the 4 most common summertime pond issues and what can be done to lessen their impacts.  Excessive Weed Growth Plants in the water […]

Your Pond as a Focal Area for Wildlife: Supplemental Habitat

Pond with different types of aquatic vegetation along the edge.

This series of articles aims to help you make better-informed decisions regarding the management of your pond for fish and wildlife value. In the previous article, we discussed the zones of a watershed and the associated plant communities. We established that a healthy pond is a product of healthy plant communities in each of the […]

Your Pond as a Focal Area for Wildlife: Management of Watershed Zones

A pond with a lot of vegitation

It is no secret that water attracts and holds life. This is true for many species of flora and fauna. Humans are no exception. Globally, roughly 40% of the human population lives within 60 miles of the coast (United Nations Ocean Conference, 2017). We are instinctively drawn to water, both man and beast. South Carolina […]

Managing Aquatic Weeds in Ponds

Properly managed pond. Photo Credit: Lance Beecher, Clemson Extension.

Ponds are a unique addition to any landscape and offer many benefits to the pond owner. These ponds are typically intended to provide one or more common goals: visual amenities, fishing, swimming, and wildlife or bird watching. While a pond can frequently support more than one goal, maintenance may differ depending on use. Like other […]