February 6, 2025
Our state’s natural disasters often knock down a lot of beautiful hardwood trees and leave many people asking themselves what to do next. In many cases, salvage harvests are not the answer because the amount of devastation is just not enough to justify a commercial harvesting operation. You could have a small portable sawmill operator […]
April 22, 2024
If you have had interactions with a forester before or read forestry-related articles, you probably have heard the term basal area mentioned at some point. For some reason, basal area has always seemed to be this mystical term that folks struggle with understanding what it is and why it’s important. In this article, we will […]
October 14, 2022
Our series’ first, second, and third articles covered tractor selection, ground contact implements, and property maintenance (see links at the bottom of the article). The fourth part will cover two primary vegetative management implements that the forest landowner should consider adding to their arsenal. The first implement for consideration is a rotary cutter, commonly referred […]
March 14, 2022
Our Tractors and Implements for Forest Landowners series’s first and second articles covered tractor selection and ground contact implements (see links at the end). This third part will cover implements and attachments for property maintenance that the forest landowner should consider adding to their arsenal. The first implements to discuss are box blades and scrape […]
December 21, 2021
A Absentee Landowner – Landowners who do not live in the county in which their land is located. Acceptable Growing Stock (AGS) – Trees that are of good form, species, and quality and would be satisfactory as crop trees. Acid Soils – Soils with a pH value below 7.0. Pines grow well […]
December 13, 2021
In the first part of our series, we covered tractors for forest landowners and discussed specific options and specifications before making a purchase ( https://blogs.clemson.edu/fnr/2021/10/21/tractors-for-forest-landowners/ ). In part 2, we will cover many of the common ground contact implements that forest landowners should have and some of the intended uses of such an implement. Some of […]
October 21, 2021
As a forest landowner myself, I cannot imagine actively managing property without using the modern-day tractor. In the coming series of articles, I want to discuss the importance of tractor implements and how they can help you manage your property. But first, let’s discuss the tractor and the needs of the forest landowner. In this […]
August 24, 2021
Springtime usually holds much anticipation for the forest landowner as the outdoors wakes up once again. Usually, we are thrilled with nature’s beauty of dogwoods flowering under pine savannahs and wild azaleas blooming in hardwood river bottoms. Then, suddenly, our attention shifts toward our pines and the large swollen area of its trunk that has […]
August 20, 2021
When a forester is helping you make decisions on your property, the measurement of basal area is very important. Basal area is simply the cross-sectional square footage of standing timber. By knowing this measurement, a forester can determine how to work with the stand to best meet your objectives. Most foresters use a wedge prism […]
June 15, 2021
It is time to get privet under control with a method that works in the late fall that most people can do! Glyphosate is a non-restricted-use product that can be found at local places and at an affordable price. It is a non-selective herbicide product, thus why we want to use this method in the […]