Clemson Extension Forestry and Wildlife

English Ivy Control — Basal Bark Treatment Research & Existing Recommendations

In numerous urban forest settings and isolated patches of rural forestland, English ivy (Hedera helix) persists as either groundcover or aerial vines (different life stages) attached and extending up into the canopy of trees. For some landowners, this plant is a nuisance and can hinder tree growth/development. This article will discuss research observations from current […]

Grand Natural Treasure

The common theme for most of my written works have involved some aspect of forestry associated with the southeastern wood “basket”. I was inspired on my recent family vacation to visit several National parks (Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest, Arches, Canyonland, Bryce Canyon, Coastal Reef, and Zion) across northern Arizona and southern Utah. In my opinion, […]

Understory Foliar Spray Applications in More Developed Stands

Problematic plants and cost-share An expanse of mature or well-developed forestland in the southeast contains plant species deemed undesirable by landowners. Plants may be suppressing 1. forest regeneration, 2. preferred wildlife habitat, 3. aesthetics, or 4. simply hindering overall enjoyment of the area. These plants may be non-native, invasive species such as tree of heaven […]

Interspecies Plantings to Improve Future Oak Log Quality

The booklet entitled, Forest Trees of South Carolina (SC Forest Commission 2018) contains 18 oak species commonly found in South Carolina. Six of these species are considered bottomland oaks and may exist in the stream floodplains. Silvicultural researchers have investigated the beneficial relationship between different bottomland tree species (oak and non-oak) growing in proximity to […]

Chainsaw Usage: Girdling and Herbicide

Chainsaws are synonymous with forestry. Loggers use them to fell timber on steeper terrain and process logs to length (also referred to as “bucking”). Wildland firefighters use them to drop flaming snags near fire breaks and displace burnable fuel. Landowners can also use them to facilitate active forest management. Management practices could be for wildlife: […]

Chemical Release of Planted Pines

In pine plantations, competition for available resources such as water, nutrients, and growing space can slow growth and decrease survival. Often, a chemical release is needed to help remove competing vegetation for your pines to thrive. There are several herbicides approved for forestry use that are available for pine seedling release. The selection of a […]

The Daunting Life of an Oak Seedling

The life of the oak is filled with woe as it must constantly battle for survival. Difficulty first presents itself to the oak as a young acorn. Few acorns produced during a mast crop will germinate and form a seedling. Though acorns have a high germinative capacity between 75 and 95 percent, each must become […]

Midstory/ Understory Control in Hardwood Stands

Most mature hardwood stands lack an adequate abundance of oak reproduction (seedlings and saplings) on the forest floor. If oaks are to be successfully regenerated into the future stand, silvicultural practices need to begin years prior to the complete removal of the standing timber. One of these practices may include a midstory and understory treatment […]