Clemson Extension Forestry and Wildlife

Invasive Tree Pests in South Carolina Forests: 2025 Update

South Carolina’s forests have their share of pests – this we know. And while most of these pests are native and typically only impact stressed or injured trees, several non-native species are present and established in our state. Of those non-native species, a few are true invasives, capable of causing widespread economic and/or ecological damage. […]

Stumpage Price Trends in South Carolina for the Q4, 2024

Pulpwood Stumpage Trends in Q4, 2024: South Carolina statewide average pine pulpwood prices were $7.7/ton, and the hardwood pulpwood prices were $10.1/ton in the 4th quarter of 2024. Compared to the pine and hardwood pulpwood prices in the previous quarter (Q3 of 2024), there is a 10% and 5% decline in both prices, respectively. The […]

Spotted Lanternfly

South Carolina residents should be on the lookout for another invader: the invasive spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula). Originally from Southeastern Asia, the spotted lanternfly (SLF) was first detected in Pennsylvania in 2014 and is now established in 14 surrounding states, reaching as far south as North Carolina. Spotted lanternfly prefers Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) […]

Does It Still Pay to Grow Trees?

This article originally was published in the Times and Democrat newspaper on October 26, 2024. “Money doesn’t grow on trees” is a saying often heard by those who are spendthrifts. However, for many of South Carolina’s forest landowners, money has grown from their trees for many decades and provided a reliable source of income for […]

What are Prescribed Fire Associations, and Why Should You Join One?

Prescribed fire is an essential tool in forest management; however, many landowners are intimidated by its use. There are also specialized tools and equipment necessary to conduct a prescribed burn that not all landowners may have. This is where prescribed fire associations (PBA) (also called prescribed burn cooperatives) come in! A PBA is a group […]

What’s Wrong With My Dogwood Tree?

Dogwood trees (Cornus species) are one of South Carolina’s beautiful flowering tree species, blooming in early spring. Their white flowers can often be seen in the forest understory before most other trees have leafed out, and many people have them as a part of their landscape. But, sometimes, that dogwood in your yard might not […]