Clemson Extension Forestry and Wildlife

Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers (Sphyrapicus varius)

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Female). Photo Credit: Andy Morffew is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Have you recently noticed new holes in your tree and are not sure what caused them? Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers could be responsible. As their name suggests, this woodpecker species relies on tree sap as their primary food source and they usually start “drilling” trees for sap in early spring. Homeowners often contact the Extension Service this […]

Preparing for Purple Martins

Purple martin (Progne subis). Vern Wilkins, Indiana University,

Being the largest swallow in North America, Purple Martins have always been an extremely popular bird among homeowners and birding enthusiasts. Native Americans would attract them by hollowing out gourds and hanging them for the purple martins to nest in. Nowadays, homeowners often spend a lot of their time and resources trying to attract these […]

Identifying Copperhead Snakes

Adult venomous ‘Southern copperhead’ snake, Agkistrodon contortrix. Photo Credit: Sturgis McKeever, Georgia Southern University,

The fear of being bitten by a snake worries many folks whether the snake is venomous or not. There are 38 species of snakes found in South Carolina, but only 6 are venomous. The venomous snakes found in South Carolina are all pit vipers with one exception – the coral snake. The pit vipers include […]

Armadillo Identification and Control

image of nine banded armadillo

Armadillos have become the talk of the town throughout South Carolina. They are often found digging in gardens, flower beds, or yards searching for food or taking a very long “nap” upside down near the road. There are currently 20 species of armadillo in existence, but the Nine-banded Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) is the only species […]