Pulpwood Stumpage Trends in Q1, 2024: South Carolina statewide average pine pulpwood prices were $8.12/ton, and the hardwood pulpwood prices were $9.21/ton in the 1st quarter of 2024. Compared to the pine and hardwood pulpwood prices in the previous quarter (4th of 2023), it is an increase of 7% and 17%, respectively. The change in […]
Pulpwood Stumpage Trends in Q4, 2023: South Carolina statewide average pine pulpwood prices were $7.59/ton, and the hardwood pulpwood prices were $7.84/ton in the 4th quarter. Compared to pine and hardwood pulpwood prices in the previous quarter (3rd), it is an increase of 7% and 24%, respectively. Pulpwood prices were doing relatively better at the beginning […]
Pulpwood Stumpage Trends in Q2, 2023: In the second quarter of 2023, statewide pine pulpwood stumpage prices averaged $8.89/ton, while the average hardwood rates were $8.54/ton in South Carolina. It is a dramatic decline in pulpwood prices from the first quarter of 2022 when pine and hardwood pulpwood stumpages were above $14/ton. Graph of S.C. statewide […]
Pulpwood Stumpage Trends: In the second quarter of 2023, statewide pine pulpwood stumpage prices averaged $8.89/ton, while the average hardwood rates were $8.54/ton in South Carolina. It is a dramatic decline in pulpwood prices from the first quarter of 2022 when pine and hardwood pulpwood stumpages were above $14/ton. The average prices for pine and […]
Pulpwood Stumpage Trends: In the first quarter of 2023, statewide pine pulpwood stumpage prices averaged $11.29/ton, while the average hardwood rates were $8.81/ton in South Carolina. It is a dramatic decline in pulpwood prices from the first quarter of last year – pine and hardwood pulpwood stumpages were selling above $14/ton in the first quarter […]
Stumpage Price Trends: In the Third quarter of 2022 (Q3’22), statewide pulpwood stumpage prices for pine and hardwood declined after a steady increase in the previous two quarters. On average, the statewide pine pulpwood stumpage prices were $11.40/ton, a decline of 19% on a quarter-over-quarter basis but an increase of 12% on a year-over-year basis. […]
Stumpage Price Trends: In the first quarter of 2022 (Q1’22), statewide pulpwood stumpage prices for both pine and hardwood continued an increasing trend that started in the second quarter of 2021 (Q2’21). The statewide pine pulpwood stumpage prices, on average, were $14.17/ton, which is a jump of 31% on a quarter-over-quarter basis and 34% on a […]
Stumpage Price Trends in South Carolina: Statewide average pulpwood stumpage prices for both pine and hardwood maintained their increasing trends in this quarter, indicating improvements in market fundamentals from COVID-related issues. On average, South Carolina statewide pine pulpwood prices were $10.81/ton, while hardwood pulpwood rates were $12.66/ton in the 4th quarter of 2021. The prices […]
Private forest landowners, specifically family forest owners, have multiple objectives for owning and managing their property. Managing property for various objectives may require different cost inputs and potential timber revenue losses. In South Carolina, loblolly-shortleaf pine accounts for over 43% of forest types, and loblolly pine is the most common tree species. Understanding the economic […]
South Carolina Pulpwood Stumpage Price Trends: Statewide pulpwood stumpage prices for both pine and hardwood were higher than the rates observed in the previous quarter. On average, South Carolina statewide pine pulpwood prices were $10.66/ton in the 3rd quarter of 2021. On average, the statewide stumpage prices for mixed hardwood pulpwood were $11.66/ton in this […]