Clemson Extension Forestry and Wildlife

Stumpage Price Trends and Forest Industry Hot-Spots in South Carolina

graph with blue line showing pine pulpwood price trending down to $8.89/ton and red line showing hardwood pulpwood price trending down to $8.54/ton

Pulpwood Stumpage Trends in Q2, 2023: In the second quarter of 2023, statewide pine pulpwood stumpage prices averaged $8.89/ton, while the average hardwood rates were $8.54/ton in South Carolina. It is a dramatic decline in pulpwood prices from the first quarter of 2022 when pine and hardwood pulpwood stumpages were above $14/ton. Graph of S.C. statewide […]

Conservation Burial: Turning Your Haunt into Hallowed Ground

wooded area with ferns and an engraved rock as a grave marker.

Land is a legacy, something you pass on to your children and your children’s children. Historically, when someone passed away, family members managed all of the affairs, including the care of the body. But somewhere along the way, we lost parlors in our homes, funeral parlors took over, and we were left with just the […]

English Ivy Control — Basal Bark Treatment Research & Existing Recommendations

trees with a lot of vines growing on them

Aerial form of English ivy vines within a closed canopy, mixed pine/hardwood stand on the Clemson Experimental Forest. Photo credit: Stephen Peairs, Clemson University. In numerous urban forest settings and isolated patches of rural forestland, English ivy (Hedera helix) persists as either groundcover or aerial vines (different life stages) attached and extending up into the canopy […]


round brown tick with spot on its back

Anybody who has spent time in the woods or other wild surroundings is familiar with ticks, those blood-sucking arachnids that seek out creatures, including we humans, on which to feed. Most of us also know that ticks are carriers of numerous diseases, the most known being Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. However, many […]

Stumpage Price Trends and Resources to Find Mills in Your Local Area

graph with red lines showing hardwood pulp prices decreasing and blue lines showing pine pulpwood prices going from slightly level to decreasing

Pulpwood Stumpage Trends: In the second quarter of 2023, statewide pine pulpwood stumpage prices averaged $8.89/ton, while the average hardwood rates were $8.54/ton in South Carolina. It is a dramatic decline in pulpwood prices from the first quarter of 2022 when pine and hardwood pulpwood stumpages were above $14/ton. The average prices for pine and […]

Grand Natural Treasure

green tree growing in rocky soil

The common theme for most of my written works have involved some aspect of forestry associated with the southeastern wood “basket”. I was inspired on my recent family vacation to visit several National parks (Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest, Arches, Canyonland, Bryce Canyon, Coastal Reef, and Zion) across northern Arizona and southern Utah. In my opinion, […]