Clemson Extension Forestry and Wildlife

Forestry Herbicide Series- Herbicide Basics

Herbicides are an invaluable tool in forest management for controlling undesirable vegetation. To use them safely and effectively, one must understand a few basic principles. This article is the first in a series of articles on herbicides for forestry applications. To start, we will look at the basic principles one must understand to utilize herbicides. […]

Using Hack-and-Squirt Method to Control Undesirable Vegetation

Hack-and-squirt, sometimes referred to as frill-and-spray, is a herbicide application method that applies the herbicide into the stem (trunk) and is used to target specific undesirable trees. There is a slight variance between hack-and-squirt and frill-and-spray. Generally, hack-and-squirt refers to a cut or series of cuts around the trunk of the tree determined by tree […]