Department of Languages

Students honored at CAAH awards ceremony

The following students were honored at the annual College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities (CAAH) awards ceremony on April 12 at the Brooks Center for the Performing Arts: Joey Martinek, Award for Excellence in Spanish Katrina Killinger, Japan-America Association of South Carolina (JAASC) Award for Excellence in Japanese Harrison Kerr, Clemson Chinese Laoshi Award for […]

Department hosts 46th Annual Declamation Contest

On October 27, 2018, the Department of Languages hosted the 46th Annual Declamation Contest. This poetry recitation contest brings together middle- and high-school students from the region, who come to the Clemson campus for the day to show off their language skills. This year, 485 students from 31 middle and high schools in South Carolina, Georgia, […]

Student is first-ever Boren Fellow from Clemson

Congratulations to Irene Cheng, a graduating senior in Modern Languages-Chinese and Clemson’s first-ever winner of a Boren Fellowship for Graduate Students. Boren Fellowships, an initiative of the National Security Education Program, provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. graduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests. In exchange for funding, Boren […]

Department hosts 45th Annual Declamation Contest

On October 21, 2017, the Department of Languages hosted the 45th Annual Declamation Contest. This poetry recitation contest brings together middle- and high-school students from the region, who come to the Clemson campus for the day to show off their language skills. This year, 490 students from 31 middle and high schools in South Carolina, Georgia, […]

Faculty news, Spring and Summer 2017

Yanming An, professor of Chinese and philosophy, received the College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities (CAAH) John B. and Thelma A. Gentry Award for Teaching Excellence in the Humanities. Established by Frank and Sarah Gentry to honor Mr. Gentry’s parents, John and Thelma Gentry, this peer-reviewed award recognizes an outstanding humanities faculty member and provides an annual […]