Department of Languages

Touya, Eric

Simone de Beauvoir: le combat au féminin.   Collection Que Sais-Je ? Paris: Presses Universitaires de France/Humensis, 2019.

Situating his arguments vis-à-vis major critics like Michel Onfray and Julia Kristeva, Touya de Marenne explores the repercussions of Beauvoir’s philosophical and political complex thought, but also the oppositions that she inspired during the twentieth century, and to the present day in France, the United States, and the world. In a groundbreaking study, Touya demonstrates how Beauvoir deepens and sheds new light like none of her contemporaries on the great questions of our time: the freedom and responsibility of the human being, the condition of women in an androcentric world, the dialogue between peoples, and the fight for justice, through an ethical thought that is contemporary to us.

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