Clemson Extension Upstate District

It’s An Exciting Time For 4-H

It’s An Exciting Time For 4-H

Mark Cathcart
4-H Youth Development Agent
     It is time for Union County 4-H to get back to in person meeting.  It has not happened in a while and 4-H has found different methods of providing programming. However, nothing replaces in-person meetings and activities.  With the new year, comes new opportunities for 4-H to be a positive influence on the children and youth in our community.
     As we begin to build speed on the familiar road of 4-H clubs and projects, some things will look the same.  Because of their past success and popularity, clubs like Shooting Sports, Baking Buddies, Recycling Club, and Woodsrunners are back to monthly meetings.  Other things will look different as we constantly strive to keep young people interested and engaged.
     School enrichment is another aspect of 4-H that is getting back on track.  School enrichment is in-class support and reinforcement of lessons and school standards already being taught.  Classroom visits usually consist of a lesson, a demonstration, and an activity.  Currently, 4-H offers school enrichment in embryology, electricity, erosion & environmental protection, rocket science, and will soon have lessons on natural resources & wildlife.  Teachers can contact the Union County Clemson Extension office to set up a lesson and schedule a time.
     If you are interested in becoming a 4-H member, contact the Union County Extension office for information and instruction on how to do that.  Also, if you are an adult with a special interest or knowledge on a particular topic and would like to become a 4-H volunteer, please feel free to contact us.  This is a great way to be a positive influence on the young people of Union County. Contact us at 864-427-6259.
Club Meeting Schedule:
Woodsrunners — 1st Thursday @ 7pm
Shooting Sports — 2nd Thursday (BB) and 4th Thursday (archery) @ 7pm
Poultry Club — 3rd Thursday @ 7pm
Baking Buddies — 2nd Tuesday @ 3:30 pm
Recycling Club — 4th Tuesday @ 3:30 pm

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