Clemson Extension Forestry and Wildlife

South Carolina’s Stumpage Trends and Forest Carbon Market Update

South Carolina Pulpwood Stumpage Price Trends: Statewide pulpwood stumpage prices for both pine and hardwood were higher than the rates observed in the previous quarter. On average, South Carolina statewide pine pulpwood prices were $10.66/ton in the 3rd quarter of 2021. On average, the statewide stumpage prices for mixed hardwood pulpwood were $11.66/ton in this […]

South Carolina Stumpage Market in Q1/2021 and an Article Synthesis

S.C. stumpage market trends: Both sawtimber and pulpwood prices continue to recover from the price slump seen in the third quarter of 2020. With the gradual recovery of the overall economy from COVID-induced economic shock, forestry and mill production activities have accelerated this quarter. Restrained production activities at the mills during the COVID period have […]

South Carolina Stumpage Market in Q4/2020 and Housing Updates

South Carolina stumpage market trends: In Q4/2020, prices for both sawtimber and pulpwood (pine and hardwood trees) have recovered from the slump seen in the last quarter, Q3/2020. In a year-over-year comparison, sawtimber prices are still lower, but pulpwood prices have almost recovered to the same levels seen in Q4/2019 last year. South Carolina Q4/2020 […]

Overall Lumber Market and South Carolina Timber Price Trends During the Third Quarter 2020

This quarter saw the price of lumber futures skyrocket to historically high levels of $928.50/MBF on September 1st despite the COVID-19 epidemic and the ensuring shutdowns. The swift rebound in the housing market led to an increased demand for the building commodity, but the pandemic-induced disruptions in the lumber mill operations contributed to its supply […]

Analysis of South Carolina’s Stumpage Market Trends in the Second Quarter of 2021

South Carolina Pulpwood Stumpage Price Trends: Statewide pulpwood stumpage prices for both pine and hardwood were lower than the rates observed in the previous quarter. On average, South Carolina statewide pine pulpwood prices were $9.60/ton in the 2nd quarter of 2021. For mixed hardwood pulpwood, the statewide stumpage prices, on average, were $10.99/ton in this […]

Updating South Carolina Stumpage Prices Spring 2020

Many landowners have heard the term stumpage price but may not be sure about its meaning. Stumpage price refers to the price a timber buyer will offer landowners for standing trees. In general, sawtimber, which includes larger standing trees with a diameter over 10 inches suitable for making lumber or other structural products, will get […]

Updating South Carolina Stumpage Prices Winter 2020

The Northeast and Appalachia regions have been exporting large volumes of hardwood logs and lumber to China, but this lucrative market has dropped by almost a third after the trade war started. US hardwood exports to China – worth $2 billion annually – are currently reeling from 25% tariffs, and the impacts are being felt […]

Updating South Carolina Stumpage Prices Fall 2019

Many landowners have heard the word “stumpage price” but may not be so sure about its meaning. The word stumpage is derived from stump + age. Stumpage price refers to a price that a timber buyer will offer landowners for standing trees. In general, larger standing trees (diameter over 10 inches) suitable for sawtimber get […]