February 3, 2025
After the arctic freeze we experienced a short time ago, you may not believe Spring will be upon us soon, but it will. Tennyson reminds us what a young man’s fancy turns to when Spring comes, and the same applies to other animals. Male Eastern bluebirds will soon be singing forcefully, defending their territory and […]
October 11, 2023
Anybody who has spent time in the woods or other wild surroundings is familiar with ticks, those blood-sucking arachnids that seek out creatures, including we humans, on which to feed. Most of us also know that ticks are carriers of numerous diseases, the most known being Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. However, many […]
June 9, 2022
With a lot of recent interest in bringing back the northern bobwhite quail, conversations with landowners often turn to reflections on bygone days. They recall working fields with bird dogs alongside their fathers and/or grandfathers and flushing numerous coveys within a few hours. Others reflect on simply hearing the whistling of cocks in the spring […]
August 17, 2021
Phone calls from landowners having problems with aquatic weeds are pretty common for Extension Agents every spring, and this year has been no exception. Due possibly to the mild winter from which we just emerged, calls seemed to start earlier than normal and have been coming in steadily. Some aquatic vegetation is beneficial to a […]