Clemson Extension Forestry and Wildlife

Your Pond as a Focal Area for Wildlife: Supplemental Habitat

This series of articles aims to help you make better-informed decisions regarding the management of your pond for fish and wildlife value. In the previous article, we discussed the zones of a watershed and the associated plant communities. We established that a healthy pond is a product of healthy plant communities in each of the […]

Your Pond as a Focal Area for Wildlife: Management of Watershed Zones

It is no secret that water attracts and holds life. This is true for many species of flora and fauna. Humans are no exception. Globally, roughly 40% of the human population lives within 60 miles of the coast (United Nations Ocean Conference, 2017). We are instinctively drawn to water, both man and beast. South Carolina […]

Prime Time for Trapping Swine

Now that winter has fully engulfed us, it is time to put a dent in the pig population. Winter is the time for trappers to remove large numbers of the hog population. The fall mast crops are gone. Residual agriculture stores have been depleted. Succulent spring growth is still a considerable distance in the future. […]

The Post Season To-Do List for Deer Managers

With the passing of 2020 and the closing of deer season, the new year marks the time to get busy. There are many tasks that need to be completed now that deer hunting is not the top priority. If you are like me, you are looking for a reason to stay on the land and […]

Improving Flora Diversity for Wildlife

The concept of maximizing flora diversity is nothing new. While it may have slipped by unperceived as we beat our way through the daily grind of managing lands, our management practices were promoting diversity in many ways. Whether we were burning old fields, conducting thinnings, protecting wetlands, controlling non-native species, daylighting roads, etc., we were, […]

Beyond the Buck: The Newest Chapter in Wildlife Planting

Wildlife planting is one of the most commonly applied management activities throughout the Southern United States. The primary focus of these plantings has been to provide game species with additional or supplemental high-quality forage. Food plots have continued to grow in popularity and practice among modern game managers. Food plots have typically focused on cool-season […]

Winter Activities for the Bobwhite Manager

The cold gloomy days of winter have arrived once again. Winter can be tough for any species of wildlife, but this is especially true for bobwhites. This is the time of year when one can really evaluate the success of their management program. Did we make enough cover to protect the birds from the elements? […]