Clemson Extension Forestry and Wildlife

What are Prescribed Fire Associations, and Why Should You Join One?

a large group of people looking at an active prescribed burn. f

Prescribed fire is an essential tool in forest management; however, many landowners are intimidated by its use. There are also specialized tools and equipment necessary to conduct a prescribed burn that not all landowners may have. This is where prescribed fire associations (PBA) (also called prescribed burn cooperatives) come in! A PBA is a group […]

Benefits of Prescribed Fire for Pest Control

Brown spot needle blight looks like yellow spots surrounded by brown rings on pine needles. This fungus causes pines, usually longleaf, to drop needles. Burning your longleaf stand can help eliminate the fungus. Photo credit: Dave Coyle, Clemson Extension.

Prescribed fire is a commonly used management tool in both pine and hardwood forests in South Carolina. When used correctly, it has many benefits to forest ecosystems. Fire helps reduce fuels on the forest floor, which can help lower the chances of a wildfire. It helps recycle nutrients, making them more available to the growing […]