Clemson Extension Upstate District

2022 Laurens County Livestock Show

The last weekend in August was a busy time in Laurens County for the youth!  The Laurens County Cattlemen’s Association and Laurens County 4-H partnered to host the Laurens County Livestock show. Youth from all over the state traveled to Laurens County to participate in the event.  Local and Area Sponsors provided funding for the prizes for the event.

Thursday night both a rabbit show and a dog show we offered. The dog show had 10 participants that showed their dogs in agility, obedience, and rally classes. The Rabbit show had 28 rabbits compete in breed classes and 13 youth participated in the showmanship class.

Friday evening the event hosted the Beef Show with a total of 28 youth and 49 head of cattle.  Saturday started the day with the Dairy Show, with 13 youth showing 26 animals of different breeds, included Holstein, Guernsey, Jersey, and Brown Swiss.  The event concluded Saturday with the Meat Goat Show, with 25 youth and 54 meat goats participating.

Awards and Premiums were given to the respective winners for each show. A big thank you goes out to the Laurens County Cattlemen’s Association and our many sponsors for helping make this show happen!

Image showing three youth holding rabbits with their awards in front ot the Laurens Livestock Show banner.
Winners of the 2022 Laurens Livestock Rabbit Show.
Two young girls holding their award-winning meat goat entries in front of the Laurens Livestock Show banner.
Two young participants holding their award-winning Meat Goat entries for the camera.











Image of a brahma cow with a young man holding its halter in front of the Laurens Livestock Show banner.
A participant holding his excellent entry in show posture.
Image fo two black cattle with a young boy holding the grand Champion award.
This young person is very proud of the Beef Grand Champion Award!

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