Clemson Extension Upstate District

Blue-Green Algae

Blue-Green Algae bloom observed at a pond in June 2022
Blue-Green Algae bloom observed at a pond in June 2022

As pond problems tend to increase along with our summer temperatures, remember that we are always happy to help identify any problem weeds and make control recommendations. One to be on the lookout for is Blue-Green Algae. Blue-Green Algae, also known as Cyanobacteria, can range in color but is often bright green, resembling spilled paint on the water’s surface. This type of algae has the potential to release toxins into waterways as cells break down and die. This die-off of algae can also lead to low oxygen levels within a pond and can result in a fish kill.

Learn More Here about this type of algae and how you can better prepare your pond against it.

If you suspect that your pond has a Blue-Green Algae bloom and want to confirm,  Submit an Algae Sample to Clemson’s Plant Problem Clinic.

For more information on ponds or other water-related topics contact                   Charly Greenthaler Water Resources Agent: / (803) 520-1679


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