Reid Miller
Area Livestock & Forages Agent
On May 5th we had our Alfalfa in the South Field Day at Foxpipe Farm, owned and operated by Laurens County farmer, Reed Edwards. We had a great attendance of 100+ producers and extension specialists and agents from South Carolina and surrounding states. For this event, everyone had the opportunity to tour Mr. Edwards farm as our specialists and agents offered instruction about how to manage the forage varieties in each field we toured. The program was kicked off by Dr. Jennifer Tucker (University of Georgia), Kim Mullenix (Auburn University), and Dr. Liliane Silva (Clemson University) covering alfalfa and alfalfa-bermudagrass systems for hay and grazing. The next talk was given by Dr. John Andrae (Clemson University), Dr. Joe Bouton (University of Georgia emeritus), and Dr. Jennifer Tucker covering novel fescue varieties and the best strategies for converting Kentucky 31 fescue fields into novel endophyte fescue to improve herd health and performance. Our last talk before lunch consisted of Dr. Leanne Dillard (Auburn University), Dr. Liliane Silva, Mr. Reed Edwards, and myself teaching producers about the benefits of incorporating winter annuals and other cover crops into their hay and grazing systems. After lunch, Mr. Reed Edwards accompanied by Dr. Liliane Silva gave a talk about the knowledge he gained from growing sericea lespedeza for the small ruminant hay market. To wrap things up, Mr. Chris Prevatt (University of Florida) talked to us about the future economic challenges facing our forage producers over the next decade. This field day was a great success for not only Laurens County but also for South Carolina’s agricultural industry. We hope to continue this event and more like it to keep our producers informed and at the top of their game.