The last weekend in August was a busy time in Laurens County for the youth! The Laurens County Cattlemen’s Association and Laurens County 4-H partnered to host the Laurens County Livestock show. Youth from all over the state traveled to Laurens County to participate in the event. Local and Area Sponsors provided funding for the […]
All SC Confined Animal Facility Growers are required by State Regulation R.61-43 to attend the Confined Animal Manure Manager (CAMM) certification training provided by Clemson Extension, USDA-NRCS, and SCDHEC. They are then required to obtain 10 hours of recertification credit each 5 years. These recertification credits are offered around the State on a variety of […]
The Laurens County Extension Office is currently hosting an in-person Master Gardener course. The Master Gardener course began on August 16, 2022 and will meet each Tuesday through December 6. This year’s course has 10 students. Students in the course will complete 16 three-classes on subjects including lawn care, vegetable gardening, urban tree care, soils […]
There has been an increasing interest in recent years for pollinators of all types. There has also been an increase in beekeepers and those interested in providing plantings specifically for honey bees. There are a number of plants that are frequented by many types of pollinators, but some of those are used little if at […]
Laurens Extension is pleased to announce that Mr. Reid Miller will be our new Livestock and Forages Agent. Reid will be based in Greenwood County, and will cover Greenwood, Laurens and McCormick Counties. Reid comes to Clemson Extension from the University of Georgia Extension Service, where he served as the Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent […]
In the last six months there has been an increase in forestry and pond related calls, especially after the staff returned to the offices. I have been answering a wide assortment of questions including several about managing timber and harvesting timber stands. The usual questions are about dying pine trees with bark beetle issues, and […]
SC State Regulation R.61-43 requires all confined animal facility operators to attend the Confined Animal Manure Manager (CAMM) certification program provided by Clemson Extension. The CAMM team has worked hard to provide trainings for South Carolina’s confined animal facility operators this year. Bryan Smith (Laurens), Brian Beer (Lancaster), Lee van Vlake (Florence), and Amber Starnes […]
Laurens County 4-H Agent, Kendall Winn, has been very busy meeting and networking with the community of Laurens County. During this, she was able to connect with the staff of United Way Laurens County including Alesia Carter, Executive Director, and Aryele Redmond, Resources Manager. Kendall Winn and the United Way staff met together on multiple […]
The Laurens County 4-H Program has slowly been getting back into full swing post pandemic and we couldn’t be more excited. After an extremely busy summer, we rounded it out with the Laurens County 4-H Livestock Clinic. This event offered clinics for project animals such as dog, rabbit, dairy, beef, and small ruminant. The aim […]
Clemson Extension ceased all in-person trainings and meetings last March due to COVID-19 concerns. We realize that while we all need to take action to protect each other from the virus, our clients continue to have questions and training needs for their various enterprises. Clemson Extension continues to respond to phone calls and emails on […]