Clemson Extension Upstate District

Advisory Council

Working Together to Offer Community Resources

The Fairfield County Clemson Extension Service advisory council met on January 12, 2023 to share available resources and discuss ideas for future collaboration.  Eight community members were in attendance representing Fairfield Behavioral Health Services, Love Never Fails, Fairfield Forward, Fairfield County Chamber of Commerce, Fairfield County School District, Fairfield County Council on Aging, and SLED. We thank these participants for sharing their perspective both as individuals and on behalf of their organizations.

Fairfield is covered by seven specialized extension agents: Agribusiness, Food Systems and Safety, Forestry and Wildlife, Livestock and Forages, Urban Horticulture and Specialty Crops, Water Resources, and 4-H. During the meeting, these agents highlighted programs offered both virtually and in-person including “Be Well Informed” (testing well water for quality and maintenance) and “Know Diabetes by Heart” (health education program). 

Visit the Cooperative Extension Service website and learn more about the Agents who serve Fairfield County. You can find more information about their upcoming events on the Extension Calendar and register. Residents of Fairfield can also access statewide programs from the Home and Garden Information Center and Rural Health team.

The advisory council’s main collaborative project suggestion was implementing more community gardens for Fairfield residents. These gardens could serve as a hosting site for programming including beginner and advanced gardening skills, student engagement with 4-H, as well as food storage and canning workshops. Partnership opportunities with groups such as the Fairfield Farmers and Artisans’ Market, Fairfield Forward, and the Fairfield Career and Technology Center’s horticulture class could also benefit from this community project.

Have suggestions for improvement or future collaborations with the Fairfield community? Clemson Extension welcomes your feedback, so please fill out our anonymous survey to meet the needs of Fairfield County utilizing Clemson Extension’s resources. To get involved with future advisory council meetings and share ideas or resources, contact Fairfield County’s Clemson Extension Service County Coordinator Stephanie Eidt: | 803-589-8977.  Thank you for your continued support!

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