Clemson Extension Upstate District

Midlands Canning Workshops

Learn the basics of canning fruits and vegetables from local farms and home gardens through a unique, hands-on canning workshop. Participants will engage in hands-on activities using current recommended techniques for preserving foods for home use. Those with or without experience are encouraged to attend. Participants will receive the item(s) they prepare in class, a resource book, other printed materials, and knowledge of safe home canning methods.

Midlands Canning Workshops
Midlands Canning Workshops

Cost is $35 – Participants should bring their lunch and wear closed-toe shoes.

Class Size is limited to 10 participants, with a minimum of 5.

If you are interested in attending, Register Here.

Workshop Dates:

Friday, March 24th            Pressure Canning

Saturday, March 25th        Pressure Canning

Friday, April 28th              Jams, Jellies & Soft Spreads

Saturday, April 29th          Jams, Jellies & Soft Spreads

Friday, May 18th               Principles of Pickling

Saturday, May 19th           Principles of Pickling

Friday, June 9th                Pressure Canning

Saturday, June 10th          Pressure Canning

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