Clemson Extension Upstate District

Area Forestry Agent Report

Jeff Fellers Area Forestry & Wildlife Agent In January, I always look forward to judging the 4-H Wildlife Food Plots that were planted by 4-H’ers in the fall of the year.  This year I visited Newberry, Laurens, and Saluda Counties to judge six different food plots.  The 4-H Wildlife Food Plot Project gives participants a […]

Upcoming Forestry Events

Jeff Fellers Area Forestry & Wildlife Agent Upcoming Events: The New Year brings new educational opportunities in the field of forestry and natural resources for our area.  In 2023, the Newberry Forestry Association and Clemson Extension will host the 18th biennial Forestry Focus Program.  Unfortunately, we had to cancel the 2021 program due to Covid.  […]

Forestry Agents Focus on Smaller Acreage Woodlands

Carolyn DawsonForestry AgentAnderson, Cherokee, Greenville, Oconee, Pickens, & Spartanburg Counties Last summer Janet Steele and Carolyn Dawson successfully offered two Woods in Your Backyard workshops in our area. These workshops were designed specifically for landowners with 1-10 acres to help them learn how to implement sustainable outcomes for their woodlands, wildlife, water, and recreational objectives. […]

What’s Going On In Saluda County, S.C.

Saluda County Upcoming Events     February 24, 2024  Saluda County Cattlemens 32nd Annual Heifer Sale starts at 12:00, Noon February 27, 2024 – Saluda 4-H Livestock Club Meeting here at the office at 4:00pm March 3,2024 – Registration Deadline for the 4-H Pullet Chain Poultry Project March 5, 2024 – State 4-H Legislative Day , […]

Tractors and Implements for Forest Landowners – Part 3: Implements and Attachments for Property Maintenance

Our Tractors and Implements for Forest Landowners series’s first and second articles covered tractor selection and ground contact implements (see links at the end). This third part will cover implements and attachments for property maintenance that the forest landowner should consider adding to their arsenal.   Adjustable scrape blade. Photo credit: Stephen Pohlman, Clemson University. […]

Woods in Your Backyards Workshop

Carolyn Dawson Forestry & Wildlife Agent Do you have 1 to 10 acres of woods in your backyard? Would you like to reduce your lawn, plant trees, and invite wildlife to your suburban lot all while becoming a better steward of your small parcel of land? The Woods In Your Backyard workshop is designed with […]

The Woods In Your Backyard

Do you have 1 to 10 acres of woods in your backyard? Would you like to reduce your lawn, plant trees, and invite wildlife to your suburban lot, all while becoming a better steward of your small parcel of land? The Woods In Your Backyard workshop is designed with the small landowner in mind. It […]

Stephen Pohlman – Forestry Agent – Its Time to Get Privot Under Control

It is time to get privet under control with a method that works in the late fall that most people can do! Glyphosate is a non-restricted-use product that can be found at local places and at an affordable price. It is a non-selective herbicide product, thus why we want to use this method in the […]

Growing Our Future

The Growing Our Future Annual Forestry Meeting took place on June 1, 2022.  There were nearly 200 in attendance including landowners, resource management professionals, vendors, and speakers.  Participants learned how to manage their forested lands to better meet their objectives, as well as, obtaining higher returns on their investments.   Speakers included Dr. Tom Dobbins […]

Area Forestry and Natural Resources Report

Area Forestry and Natural Resources Report Jeff Fellers Summer is nearing an end and now is the time to get ready to make our way into the fall and winter.  We have had a busy summer in Extension as operations have returned to normal after the Covid outbreak.  This summer I have hosted two forestry […]